Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Life Ceremony, by Sayaka Murata

 πŸ“•Life Ceremony, by Sayaka Murata,

πŸ“•Translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori

πŸ“•First Published - July 5. 2022

ဂျပန်α€œိုကတော့ တထုပ်ထဲထွα€€်ခဲ့တာ α€™α€Ÿုတ်ပဲ ၊ ဝတ္ထုတို ဝတ္ထုα€œα€်တွေ α€€ို α€Ÿိုးထရင် မဂ္ဂဇင်းတွေα€™ှာ ထခန်းဆက်α€–ော်ပြခဲ့တာα€œို့α€œα€Š်း ဆိုα€α€š် ။

ထင်္α€‚α€œိပ်α€˜ာα€žာပြα€”်α€™ှာတော့ ခပ်ဆန်းဆန်း၊ တူα€›ာ၊α€žα€„့်တော်α€›ာ ဝတ္ထုတို ၊ဝတ္ထုα€œα€်တွေ α€€ို တွေα€€ို ပေါင်းပြီး α€’ီα€…ာထုပ် ထုတ်တဲ့α€žα€˜ောα€–ြα€…်α€™α€š် ။

α€’ီα€…ာထုပ်α€Ÿာ α€’ီα€™ှာ α€˜ာα€žာပြα€”်ထွα€€်ပြီးα€žား "Convenience Store Woman" α€…ာထုပ်α€”ဲ့  မတူပါα€˜ူး ။ α€”ောα€€် ထွα€€်တဲ့ α€…ာထုပ် Earthlings α€”ဲ့ ပိုတူα€α€š် ။ ဝတ္ထုတိုတွေα€Ÿာ α€€ြα€™်းα€α€š်၊ ထူးဆန်းα€α€š်၊ 

ထရိုင်းဆန်တဲ့ α€žα€˜ောα€›ှိα€α€š် ။

ထတွေးထခေါ်ခပ်ဆန်းဆန်းα€”ဲ့ α€›ေးထားတဲ့ ဝတ္ထုတို ၁၂ပုα€’် ပါ ပါα€α€š်။

  • Two’s Family ဝတ္ထုတိုα€œေး α€œα€Š်းα€€ောင်းα€α€š် ။

  • A Summer Night's Kiss "α€™ှာဆိုရင် α€œိင်α€™ှု့α€€ိα€…္စမပြုပဲ α€€α€œေးα€šူထားα€€ြတဲ့ Yoskiko α€”ဲ့ Kikue ဆိုတဲ့  ထမျိုးα€žα€™ီးα€”ှα€…်α€šောα€€် α€›ဲ့  friendship..

  • “A First-Rate Material" α€™ှာဆိုရင် ထဲ့α€€ာα€œα€™ှာ α€œူတွေα€Ÿာ α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်ပြီး α€œူα€žားα€›ဲ့ ထရိုး၊ထ‌α€›ေပြား ၊ဆံပင် ‌α€€ို recycled α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ α€‘α€žုံးထဆောင်ပစ္α€…α€Š်းတွေα€€ို α€”ှα€…်α€žα€€်α€žα€˜ောα€€ျ  α€žုံးα€…ွဲα€€ြα€α€š်။   ပုံပန်းα€žွင်ပြင်ပေါ် α€™ူα€α€Š်ပြီး  တန်α€–ိုးα€œα€Š်း α€™ြင့်α€α€š် ။ α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်α€žူ α€œူα€žားတွေα€›ဲ့ ထရိုး ဆံပင်α€”ဲ့ α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ ရင်ထုပ် ထရိုးထိα€™်α€”ဲ့ α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ α€…ားပွဲ၊ α€žေα€žွားတဲ့ α€œူα€›ဲ့ ဆံပင်ချα€Š်α€”ဲ့ α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ ဆွα€š်တာ ၊α€Šို့α€žα€€ျα€Š်းα€›ိုးα€”ဲ့ α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ ထိုင်ခုံ၊ α€œα€€်ကထရိုးα€”ဲ့ α€œုပ်ထားတဲ့ α€”ာα€›ီ ၊ ထဲ့α€œို α€‘α€žုံးထဆောင်  ပစ္α€…α€Š်းα€™ျိုးတွေ ဝတ်ဆင် ဆောင်α€šူရတာ α€žα€˜ောα€€ျတဲ့ထမျိုးα€žα€™ီး၊ α€žူα€”ဲ့ α€…ေ့စပ်ထားတဲ့ ထမျိုးα€žားα€€ ထဲ့α€œို ပစ္α€…α€Š်းα€™ျိုးတွေα€€ို α€™α€”ှα€…်α€žα€€်၊ α€›ွံα€›ှာα€žူ ၊  ထမျိုးα€žα€™ီးα€€ ထဲ့α€œို ပစ္α€…α€Š်းα€™ျိုးတွေ α€”ှα€…်α€žα€€်တဲ့ထတွα€€် α€…ေ့စပ်α€œα€€်α€…ွပ်α€™ှာ ပြα€Ώα€”ာတက်ပြီး ၊ α€…ေ့စပ်ထားတာ α€€α€™ောα€€်α€€α€™α€–ြα€…်ရတဲ့ α€…ုံတွဲα€›ဲ့ α€’ုα€€္ခ ။

  • "Poochie" ဝတ္ထုတိုα€™ှာ ဆိုရင် α€…ီးပွားα€›ေးα€œုပ်ငန်းα€›ှင်α€Ÿောင်း α€žα€်α€œα€်ပိုင်း α€œူတစ်α€šောα€€်α€€ို ထိα€™်α€™ွေးတိα€›α€…္ဆာα€”်α€œို α€™ွေးထားတဲ့  α€™ူα€œα€α€”်း α€€ျောင်းα€žူ α€”ှα€…်α€šောα€€် ထကြောင်း ။

  • α€’ီထဲα€™ှာ α€žα€˜ောα€€ျတဲ့ ဝတ္ထုα€œα€် တပုα€’်α€–ြα€…်တဲ့ "Life Ceremony"..

α€’ီဝတ္ထုα€œα€်α€›ဲ့ ထစမှာ ဇာတ်α€€ောင်ထမျိုးα€žα€™ီး α€Ÿာ α€žူα€›ဲ့ α€‘α€œုပ်α€œုပ် α€–ော်α€€ိုင်α€–α€€်တွေα€”ဲ့ Mr.Nako ဆိုတဲ့ ထမျိုးα€žား တစ်α€šောα€€်ဆုံးα€žွားα€€ြောင်း ပြောα€”ေα€€ြα€α€š် ။ α€€ုα€™္ပဏီကတော့ Mr.Nako  α€›ဲ့Life Ceremony  α€€ို α€›ုံးα€€α€œူတွေ α€™ျားα€™ျား α€œာα€…ေချင်α€α€š် ။

 Life Ceremony  α€™ှာ α€˜ာတွေ α€œုပ်α€€ြα€™ှာပါα€œိα€™့် ။

α€’ီထဲα€€ ဇာတ်α€€ောင်α€”ေတဲ့α€€ာα€œα€™ှာ α€œူတွေα€Ÿာ α€œွα€”်ခဲ့တဲ့ α€”ှα€…်၃၀ ၊ α€žူ α€€α€œေးα€˜α€α€‘α€›ွα€š်ကတော့ α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်α€žူα€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žား၊ α€œူα€žားα€…ားတာα€™α€›ှိခဲ့α€€ြα€˜ူး ။α€”ှα€…်၃၀ကျော်ပြီးတဲ့α€”ောα€€်α€™ှာတော့ Funeral α€‘α€žုα€˜ ထစား၊ Life Ceremony  α€œုပ်တဲ့ ‌α€‘α€œေ့ထထ α€–ြα€…်α€œာα€€ြα€α€š် ။ old fashioned α€”α€Š်းထတိုင်း α€‘α€žုα€˜ α€œုပ်တဲ့α€žူတွေα€œα€Š်း α€›ှိα€α€š်။

ထရှင်းဆုံးပြောရရင် α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်α€žူα€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žားα€€ို  Life Ceremony  (α€žို့)α€‘α€žုα€˜ α€œာတဲ့α€žူတွေα€€ို ချα€€်ပြုတ်α€€ျွေးα€™ွေးα€œိုα€€်တာ ။ ထများα€…ုကတော့ α€‘α€žုα€˜ α€€ုα€”်α€€ျ α€…α€›ိတ် α€žα€€်α€žာထောင် Life Ceremony α€™ှာ ချα€€်ပြုတ်α€€ျွေးα€™ွေး α€€ြα€α€š် ။

Life Ceremony α€™ှာ α€…ုံတွဲတွေ (α€’ါα€™ှα€™α€Ÿုတ်) Life Ceremony α€€ို α€œာα€€ြတဲ့ α€§α€Š့်α€žα€Š်ထဲကပဲ α€›ွေးပြီးတော့ α€œိင်α€™ှု့ဆက်ဆံတာ‌α€€ိုα€œα€Š်း ခွင့်ပြုα€€ြα€α€š် ။

I wonder how many inseminations will happen tonight? I do hope lots of new lives will be created!”

Guests at a life ceremony would eat the deceased’s body, and also seek an insemination partner among the other guests.

Based on the idea of birthing life from death, this ceremony was a perfect fit for the mentality of the masses and their unconscious obsession with breeding.

Human flesh has quite a strong smell and taste, so it isn’t considered suitable for simple grilling with a little salt and pepper. Most people thoroughly parboil it, then add it to a hotpot with vegetables and plenty of miso for flavor. And it is common to have a specialist company help with the preparation.

ထဲ့α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်α€žူ α€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žားတွေα€€ို α€™ီဆိုα€Ÿα€„်းချို တို့၊ α€Ÿော့ပေါ့ တို့ထဲ α€‘α€Š့် ၊ α€‘α€žီးထရွα€€် α€Ÿα€„်းခတ်α€™ွှေးထကြိုင် ထပွားခပ်ပြီး ပြုα€œုပ် α€§α€Š့်ခံα€€ြα€α€š် ။

“It’s not that I hold a grudge particularly. It’s just that thirty years ago a completely different sense of values was the norm, and I just can’t keep up with the changes. I kind of feel like I’ve been betrayed by the world.”

Even now that eating human flesh had become mainstream, there was still a deeply rooted faction opposed to it and groups campaigned against it, saying it was unethical.

It was dinnertime, and cooking smells hung in the air all around. No doubt Mr. Nakao’s flesh being boiled was mixed in with them.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming to my husband’s life ceremony,” Mrs. Nakao said, opening the lids of the hotpots to reveal Mr. Nakao, boiled together with Chinese cabbage, enoki mushrooms, and other vegetables. “Please partake of his life, and create new life.”

α€€ွα€š်α€œွα€”်α€žူα€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žားα€€ို α€‘α€žα€€်α€žွေးခဲတခု ထာα€Ÿာα€›α€–ြα€…်α€–ို့ α€žုံးဆောင်‌α€…ေတဲ့α€žα€˜ောပေါ့ ။

Everybody held their hands together and gave thanks for the meal, then began tucking into Mr. Nakao, praising him as they took neat, thin slices of his meat to their mouths.

“Delicious! Mrs. Nakao, your husband is really tasty.”

Mrs. Nakao dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief upon hearing these words. “That’s right. My husband will be pleased, too,” she said. “These parts over here are the ones closest to the innards, and really tasty. Please do eat them up. You youngsters, eat as much life as you can, then get on with insemination.”

There was some applause as the couple bowed to Mrs. Nakao. “Thank you so much. We will do our best to create a new life,” they said, and left, still holding hands.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Mr. Nakao were reborn in a new life!”

ထဲ့ခေတ်α€€ာα€œ တခုα€™ှာ α€œူα€žားတွေα€›ဲ့ α€œိင်ဆက်ဆံα€™ှု့ပုံα€…ံα€”ဲ့ α€€α€œေးα€™ွေးα€–ွားပြီး တော့   α€€α€œေးတွေα€€ို α€€ြီးပြင်းထောင် α€…ောင့်α€›ှောα€€်တဲ့ ပုံα€…ံ α€€ွာခြားα€žွားပုံα€€ိုα€œα€Š်း တွေ့α€™ြင်α€”ိုင်α€α€š် ။

Children conceived during insemination were mostly raised in a family, but recently there were more and more cases where nobody knew who the child’s father was. This was particularly true of pregnancies that followed life ceremonies. But the priority was to increase the population, so everyone was happy about the children born in these circumstances too.

As a result, centers were set up to take care of children so that women could carry on working while also producing children whenever they wanted to. After giving birth in the hospital within the center itself, some mothers simply left the baby there while others took the baby home for a while and delivered it to the center later. Roughly half of the children were raised in a family, and half were left as babies for the center to raise.


Many people were strongly against the centers, as they believed it would lead to the family system breaking down. The new childbirth system evidently hadn’t received the same level of acceptance as life ceremonies.

At the centers, children were carefully raised as children of the human race, not of individual parents.

“Have some veggies too,” I commented. “It’s not good for you to eat only meat.”

“No way. Omnivorous animals aren’t supposed to taste very good, are they? 

When I ate human flesh as a kid, I thought it tasted great, but that’s because Grandpa was a vegetarian. So I’ve decided to be a meat-arian in order to be tasty when it’s my turn.”

“Oh, c’mon 😁

🌢️Instinct doesn’t exist. Morals don’t exist. They were just fake sensibilities that came from a world that was constantly transforming.  🌢️

Anyway. Eat delicious food, enjoy life, and taste good when I die so that those who eat me can summon the energy to give birth to new life. I don’t think that’s such a bad life.

“I really like Disneyland, you know.”

“Ugh.” I screwed up my face. “I hate it.”

“I thought so.” He chuckled. As always when he laughed, his small round eyes went all black and his long eyelashes fluttered. 

Nobody ever mentions the person inside the cartoon-character costume, do they? Everyone’s lying a bit. That’s what makes it a dream country. Our world isn’t any different, is it? Everyone keeps telling little lies, and that’s how the mirage is created. That’s why it’s beautiful—because it’s a momentary make-believe world.”

“What about the real world? Where the hell is that, then?”

“It’s the mirage that’s real. All our little lies are gathered together and become a reality that you can see only now.”

“I don’t understand. I don’t want to understand!”

Yamamoto laughed, and some sake spilled out of his cup. “Life must be tough for you, Iketani! Why not just enjoy yourself in this momentary world of lies?”

I blew out smoke. Maybe he was right. 

Maybe the world hadn’t just started transforming recently and we had been continually changing long before thirty years ago.

Iketani α€”ဲထတူ Mr.Nakoα€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žုα€˜α€™ှာ ထတူα€…α€€ားα€œα€€်ဆုံα€€ျခဲ့တဲ့ α€œုပ်α€–ော်α€€ိုင်α€–α€€် Yamamoto  α€Ÿာ  α€’ီတပတ်ထတွင်းα€™ှာပဲ α€€ားတိုα€€်ခံရပြီးα€žေα€žွားα€€ြောင်း α€žိα€œိုα€€်α€›α€α€š် ။

α€žေα€žွားတဲ့α€‘α€žα€€်၃၉နှα€…်ထရွα€š် ထရပ်ပုပု၊ ပြα€Š့်ပြα€Š့်α€–ြိုးα€–ြိုး ပေα€™α€š့် α€€ြα€Š့်α€€ောင်းတဲ့ α€‘α€žွင်ထပြင်α€›ှိတဲ့  Yamamoto α€›ဲ့ ခန္ဓာα€€ိုα€š်α€™ှာ ဒဏ်α€›ာα€€ြီးα€€ြီးα€™ားα€™ားα€™α€›ှိခဲ့α€˜ူး။  ခေါင်းထိ ၊ချα€€်α€€ောင်းα€™ိပြီး α€žေα€žွားခဲ့တာα€€ိုး ။

α€œုပ်α€–ော်α€€ိုင်α€–α€€်တွေα€€ Yamamoto α€›ဲ့ Life  Ceremony  α€€ို α€’ီα€Š α€€ျင်းပမှာ α€–ြα€…်α€€ြောင်း
Iketani α€€ိုပြောပြα€α€š် ။Yamamotoα€›ဲ့ ထမေα€€α€œα€Š်း Iketani α€€ို α€žူ့α€žားα€›ဲ့ Life Ceremony  ပွဲα€€ို α€œာα€–ို့α€–ိတ်α€α€š် ။

“Well, we’re planning to start around six p.m., but it might have to be a bit later . . .”

“Oh, really?”

“My daughter and I are busy with the preparations, but we’re not making very good progress, so I think it’ll probably be a bit later.”

“Are you arranging it just between the two of you?” I was surprised. It was a huge amount of work to prepare for a life ceremony, so people usually got the professionals in, unless there were very good reasons not to. They couldn’t possibly do the whole thing by themselves, I thought.

 “Er, would you like me to come and help?”

“Yamamoto was a friend, so . . . please do let me help,” .

α€žေα€žွားတဲ့ Yamamoto α€€ိုα€œα€Š်း α€œျှော့မတွα€€်α€”ဲ့ ။
α€žူα€žေα€žွားရင် α€žူ့α€‘α€žားα€€ို α€…ားα€žုံးα€žူတွေ α€‘α€›α€žာα€›ှိထောင် α€˜α€š်α€œိုချα€€်ပြုတ်α€›α€™α€œဲ ဆိုတာ recipe ထတိထကျα€›ေးခဲ့တာ ။ Yamamoto α€€ ထစားα€žα€™ား၊
"α€™ီ‌ဆို α€Ÿောပေါ့ "α€œောα€€်‌တော့ α€žူ့α€‘α€žားα€€ို မချα€€်ပြုတ်α€…ေချင်α€˜ူး။

α€žူ့α€‘α€žားα€€ို α€‘α€žားα€œုံး α€œုံးပြီး α€žူ့α€›ဲ့Life Ceremony α€™ှာ α€œာα€…ားα€žူတွေα€€ို " grated daikon hotpot" α€™ှ α€€ျွေးချင်တာ ။

I should have asked the professionals to do the cooking for us too, but it was a bit difficult for various reasons, and we decided to do it ourselves . . .”

“What do you mean, difficult?”

Yamamoto’s mother smiled uncomfortably. “He left detailed recipes. If you get the professionals to do it, all you’ll get is miso hotpot. My son apparently didn’t like that, and wants us to make him into meatballs in a grated daikon hotpot.”

“Grated daikon hotpot . . .?”

I mean, that boy was such a foodie. He always was fussy about food, and it’s no different with the meal we are to make with his flesh. It isn’t just hotpot, you know. Stir-fry with cashew nuts, braised meat . . .”

“What? Not just hotpot?”

“That’s right. I want to respect his will as much as possible, but really, it’s a tall order!”

“Can I see the recipes?”

I looked at the file she held out for me. It contained numerous recipes on loose-leaf paper, organized according to ingredients. It was just like Yamamoto, a keen cook who loved food, to do something like this, I thought. There were numerous headings, such as pork, chicken, salmon, cabbage, daikon, and so forth, and at the very end was a final category: “My flesh.”

Yamamoto  α€›ဲ့ α€‘α€žားα€€ို Grated daikon hotpot α€˜α€š်α€œိုချα€€်α€™α€œဲ ဆက်ဖတ်α€œိုα€€်ရထောင်...

All the difficult jobs, like draining his blood, skinning him, removing his innards, and processing waste and the part around his anus and so forth had been done by the professionals, and what was in the boxes was Yamamoto turned into meat on the bone. Normally the flesh was removed from the bone and sliced thinly, ready to put into the hotpot; this was the first time I’d ever seen human flesh prepared in various shapes and forms.

Yamamoto had been a bit worried about developing metabolic syndrome, but now, with him turned into meat, I could see that he wasn’t as fatty as I’d expected. Seeing the fresh red mixed with white, I thought how pretty he was.

I found the box with arm meat written on it, lifted it up, and took it into the kitchen. I took out Yamamoto’s arms, skinned and drained of blood, and began the task of cutting the flesh away from the bone. Meanwhile, his sister rushed in with another Styrofoam box and took out Yamamoto’s thighs.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll get on with preparing the meat for braising. Mom, can you boil some water to be ready for parboiling?”
With his sister briskly issuing instructions, we quickly got on with making Yamamoto into the recipes he’d prepared.

you could still make out the form of Yamamoto in the meat. He and I had often gone out drinking together, and now, as I stripped the flesh from the bone, I remembered his strong, hairy arms lifting his beer glass.

These very arms had patted me on the back when I was down, and had dragged me out of the road when I was unsteady on my feet after drinking too much. Once, in the smoking room, I’d dropped ash on his arm, and he’d blown on the red patch and said reproachfully, 

“Ouch, that’s hot.”

And just last Monday this hand had given me an encouraging pat on the back. His big, gentle arms were now meat on the bone, lying quietly on the chopping board.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever cooked human meat,” I said. “It’s chunky, isn’t it? The only time I’ve seen raw human meat at a life ceremony, it had already been cut into thin slices.”


“Oh, really? Yes, it is chunky. Not like chicken or something. You can use milk to get rid of the smell, you know. It might be a good idea to soak it awhile before braising it.”

Stripping the meat off Yamamoto’s arm bone was hard work, a bit like dealing with a giant chicken wing. When I was done, I put Yamamoto, now just bone, back into the Styrofoam box, then started grinding batches of his meat in the food processor. It was slow going, and we’d never make it in time with that alone, so his mother was also mincing some with a kitchen knife.


Together we put Yamamoto into bowls, added some starch, onions, sake, and so forth, and then kneaded him before making him into a heap of meatballs. Meanwhile, his sister grated several large daikon radishes.

His mother had put two large pots of water on to boil. After seasoning the water with grated ginger, soup stock, and sake, we checked the flavor, then started putting in the meatballs.


Lastly we added enoki mushrooms, grated daikon, and mizuna, followed by sliced green onions and Chinese cabbage.


There wasn’t quite enough grated daikon, so I was grating some more when a pleasant aroma rose from the frying pan. Yamamoto’s sister was making the cashew-nut stir-fry.

 You’re a good cook, aren’t you,” I said.

“It’s my hobby,” she said

Now that the meatballs were cooking, we started on the braised meat. The recipe indicated braising the meat in salt, which tended to bring out a strong flavor. I took out the chunks that his sister had marinated in milk. The meat from Yamamoto’s thigh was bigger and heavier than I’d expected, and I thought that he probably had been suffering from metabolic syndrome after all.
I diced the meat and put it into a large pot, added green onions, garlic, and ginger, and brought it to a boil. Thanks to the milk, it didn’t smell too strong, but it wasn’t yet cooked enough for a bamboo skewer to pass through.

ချα€€် ထားတုα€”်း α€§α€Š့်ခံ α€–ို့ထတွα€€် ထခန်းα€€ို  ပြင်ရဆင်α€›α€™α€š်

“While it’s cooking, shall we decorate the room?”

We covered the meat with aluminum foil and left it to simmer while we started tidying up Yamamoto’s apartment. For seating, we placed his kotatsu in the center of the living room and alongside it two folding tables his mother had brought.

Yamamoto α€›ဲ့  α€‘α€žား α€…ားα€€ြα€Š့်α€™α€š် ။

I picked up my chopsticks, placed an entire Yamamoto meatball steeped in broth in my mouth, and gently chewed.

The meat juices spread through my mouth, filling it with different flavors: the acidity of the yuzu juice, the fresh-mouth feel of the grated daikon, and the mellow yet full flavor of the meat, stronger than beef or pork but not as gamy as wild boar.


“Oof, it’s hot!” I huffed with my mouth open, relishing the taste. It was not at all strong-tasting, as we had prepared it so thoroughly, nor was it gristly, despite being ground meat.


α€’ီ α€…ာထုပ်ထဲα€™ှာα€€ gender roles , taboo, sex, cannibalism,  dead body, body horror, ပါα€žα€œို Humor α€”α€Š်းα€”α€Š်းပါα€™α€š် ။ 

Convenience Store Woman α€”ဲ့တော့ α€œုံးဝမတူပါα€˜ူး။ 

"Earthlings" α€€ြိုα€€်ရင် α€’ီα€…ာထုပ်α€€ိုα€€ြိုα€€်α€œိα€™့်α€™α€š် ။
α€€ိုα€š်ကတော့ α€žα€˜ောα€€ျပါα€α€š် ။

α€‘α€Šွှα€”်း ဖတ်တဲ့α€žူထဲα€™ှာ ထုတ်ဝေα€žူα€›ော၊ α€˜ာα€žာပြα€”်α€žူα€›ော၊ ပုံα€™ှα€”် α€…ာဖတ်α€žူα€›ော ပါတာα€™ို့ ပုံα€™ှα€”်ထတွေး ထခေါ်α€€α€”ေ α€€ွဲထွα€€်တဲ့ ထူးထူးဆန်းဆန်း ထတွေး ထခေါ်α€™ျိုးα€™ှ ဖတ်ချင်α€žူတွေ၊ ပုံα€™ှα€”်α€”ဲ့ မတူ α€€ွဲထွα€€်α€”ေတဲ့ ဂျပန်ဝတ္ထုα€™ှ α€˜ာα€žာပြα€”်ချင်α€žူတွေ ထတွα€€် α€žα€„့်တော်တဲ့ α€…ာထုပ်ပါ ။

7 September 2022

Life Ceremony, by Sayaka Murata

Book Review by BookishInFictionLand

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