Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Sea Wolf by Jack London

α€Šြα€”္႕ၾကဴးα€˜ာα€žာျပန္တဲ့ ပင္α€œα€š္၀ံပုေα€œြ ဆိုတဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးα€€ုိ ဖတ္ခဲ့α€–ူးတာၾကာပါျပီ ။α€žာα€™α€”္α€…ြα€”္α‚•α€…ားခန္း၀တၳဳα€žေα€˜ာတင္မကပဲ α€œူတိုα‚• ၏ေတြးေα€αšေျα€™ာ္ျမင္α€™ႈα‚•α€™်ားα€€ုိ α€…α€…္ေဆးαΎα€€α€Š့္ေα€žာ ၀တၳဳတစ္ပုα€’္α€œα€Š္းျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ထဲ့α€’ီတုα€”္းα€€ ကၽြα€”္α€™ ထဂၤα€œိပ္ ၀တၳဳေတြ မဖတ္ႏိုင္ေα€žးပါα€˜ူး ။ ကၽြα€”္α€™ ထဂၤα€œိပ္၀တၳဳ ဖတ္ႏိုင္တဲ့တစ္ေα€”α‚•ေတာ့  α€Šြα€”္႕ၾကဴး α€˜ာα€žာျပန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ပင္α€œα€š္၀ံပုေα€œြα€›ဲα‚• α€™ူရင္း ထဂၤα€œိပ္၀တၳဳα€€ုိ ဖတ္α€–ုိα‚• ထရင္ α€€ α€α€Š္းα€€ ဆႏၡရွိခဲ့တာ ထခုေတာ့ α€’ီα€…ာထုပ္ေα€œးα€€ုိေတြα‚•ေတာ့ ကၽြα€”္α€™ ထရမ္း၀မ္းα€žာα€žြားα€α€š္ ။ α€… ဖတ္α€€α€α€Š္းα€€ α€…ာထုပ္ထဲα€™ွာေα€™်ာα€žြားတာ ။ထရမ္းထရမ္းα€€ုိ ေα€€ာင္းα€œုိα‚• share တာပါ ။ ဖတ္ျα€–α€…္ေထာင္ေတာ့ ဖတ္αΎα€€α€Š့္ၾကပါ ။

Sea Wolf α€žα€Š္ ပင္α€œα€š္ေပ်ာ္ α€žေα€˜ၤာα€žားရပ္၀န္းα€™ွ α€…ြα€”္α‚•α€…ားခန္းα€™်ား၊ ေα€˜းထႏၱα€›ာα€š္α€™်ားα€™ွ ေα€€်ာ္α€œႊားခန္းα€™်ား ၊α€˜α€α€ူခ်င္းα€›α€€္α€…α€€္ခက္ထန္α€™ႈα‚•α€™်ား(ေα€”ေα€›းေα€žေα€›းα€™်ားထပါထ၀င္ )α€…ိတ္၀င္တစားဖတ္α€›ႈ႕ခံα€…ားα€›α€žα€Š္။ α€žေα€˜ၤာα€‘α€™α€Š္ α€€ား တေစၦ ၊ α€žေα€˜ာၤကပၸတိα€”္α€‘α€™α€Š္α€€ား ၀ံပုေα€œြ α€œာဆင္ ။ α€žူ ၏α€…α€›ိုα€€္ α€€ား ထေα€•αšα€œြင္ဆံုး ေတြα‚•ျမင္ဖတ္α€›ႈα‚•α€›၏ ။α€žူ၏ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုးေα€”α‚•α€™်ားα€žα€Š္α€€ား α€žα€Š္းထိတ္ရင္α€–ုိα€…α€›ာျα€–α€…္ပါα€žα€Š္။


Author –Jack London
Published –1904
Series –World’s best Reading
Genres – Adventure

The story of a soft, domesticated intellectual named Humphrey van Weyden, forced to become tough and self-reliant through exposure to cruel brutality. Onboard a San Francisco ferry when it collides with a ship in the fog and sinks, Humphrey is rescued by Wolf Larsen, captain of the seal-hunting schooner Ghost, bound for Japan. Brutal and cynical, yet also highly intelligent, Larsen rules his ship and terrorizes the crew with the aid of his exceptional strength.

Click here to Download Sea Wolf by Jack London

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (link update 15 Dec 2015)

Author      - Napoleon Hill
Published   - 1938
Generes     - Instructional ,Business

Click here to download ThinkandGrowRich pdf

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

ကၽြα€”္α€™ ထရမ္းၾကိဳα€€္ခဲ့တဲ့ α€…ာထုပ္တစ္ထုပ္ပါ ။ α€Ÿိုးတုα€”္းα€€ စဖတ္တုα€”္းα€€ ဇာတ္ေၾကာင္း ေα€žα€်ာα€”ားα€™α€œα€Š္ခဲ့ပါα€˜ူး ။ Pride & Prejudice α€›ုပ္α€›ွင္ αΎα€€α€Š့္α€œိုα€€္ေတာ့ ဇာတ္ေၾကာင္းα€€ုိ ပိုα€”ားα€œα€Š္α€œာျပီးကၽြα€”္α€™ ထနွα€…္α€žα€€္ဆံုး ၀တၳဳေα€œး တစ္ပုα€’္ပါပဲ။

Author     – Jane Austen
Published  - 1813
Generes    - Fiction & Literature
Austen's finest comedy of manners portrays life in the genteel rural society of the early 1800s, and tells of the initial misunderstandings (and mutual enlightenment) between lively and quick witted Elizabeth Bennet and the haughty Mr. Darcy.


Click here to download Pride and Prejudice