Thursday, November 14, 2013

What Is Buddhism ( α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’ ဆုိတာα€˜ာα€œဲ )



                        α€—ုဒၢ၀ါဒဆုိတာ ထဓိပၸာα€š္α€˜ာα€œဲ ?

α€—ုဒၢိ ဆုိတဲ့ α€…α€€ားα€œံုးα€€ေα€” α€—ုဒၢ၀ါဒဆုိတဲ့ α€‘α€™α€Š္ေ၀ါα€Ÿာα€› ျα€–α€…္α€œာတာပါ ။ α€—ုဒၢိα€›ဲ႕ထဓိပၸာα€š္ ႏိုးထျခင္း ျα€–α€…္တဲ့ထတြα€€္ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါဒဆုိတာ ( ထ၀ိဇၨာ- α€™α€žိα€™ႈα‚•)α€™ွ ႏိုးထျခင္း ဆုိင္α€›ာ α€’ႆနပါပဲ ။   α€’ီ (α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’) α€’ႆα€” တရားေတြα€€ုိ α€—ုα€’αΆα€œုိα‚• α€œူေတြα€žိα€›ွိၾကတဲ့ α€žိဒၢတၱ ေဂါတမဆုိတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္ α€€ α€€ုိα€š္တုိ္င္ျဖတ္α€žα€”္းα€œာတဲ့ α€˜α€  ထေ တြ႕ထၾကံဳေတြထေα€•αšα€™ွာ ထေျခခံျပီး  α€žိျမင္ေα€–ာ္ထုတ္ခဲ့တာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ ထဲα€’ီα€œို α€—ုဒၢကုိα€š္ေတာ္တိုင္  (၀ိဇၨာα€Šα€္ေတာ္α€€ုိ)  α€žိျမင္ ႏိုးα€‘α€œာခဲ့တာα€€ေတာ့ α€žα€€္ ေတာ္ ၃၅ႏွα€…္α€™ွာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။α€šα€ုထခါα€™ွာα€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€›ဲα‚•α€žα€€္တမ္းα€Ÿာႏွα€…္ေပါင္း၂၅၀၀ေα€€်ာ္α€œာခဲ့ျပီး α€€α€™ာၻတစ္၀ွα€™္းα€™ွာα€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္α€₯ီးေα€›α€Ÿာα€žα€”္းေပါင္း၃၀၀ေα€€်ာ္ခန္α‚•α€›ွိေနပါα€α€š္ ။ α€œြα€”္ခဲ့တဲ့ႏွα€…္ ေပါင္းတစ္α€›ာေα€œာα€€္တုα€”္းα€€ေတာ့   α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€Ÿာ(ထေα€›ွ႕တုိင္း)ထာα€›ွα€’ႆနထဆင့္ေα€œာα€€္ပဲα€€်α€š္ျပန္႕ခဲ့ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€šα€ုေခတ္ထမွာေတာ့α€₯ေα€›ာပ၊αΎα€žα€…ေတးα€œ်α€”ဲ႕ထေα€™α€›ိα€€ႏို္င္ငံေတြα€™ွာပါα€‘α€œြα€”္α€€်α€š္ျပန္α‚”α€…ြာ ေα€œ့α€œာα€œိုα€€္α€…ားေနၾကပါျပီ ။

                                                What Is Buddhism ?

The name Buddhism comes from the word “ buddhi” which means ‘to wake up’ and thus Buddhism is the the of awakening .

The Philosophy has its origins in the experience of the man Siddhattha Gotama , know as the Buddha ,who was himself awakened at the age of 35. Buddhism is now 2,500 years old and has about 300 million followers worldwide .

Until a hundred years ago , Buddhism was mainly an Asian Philosophy but increasingly it is gaining adherents in Europe, Australia and America.


      α€’ီα€œုိဆုိရင္ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါဒဆုိတာ α€–ီα€œုိဆုိα€–ီ ထေတြးထေα€αšα€‘ေတြးထေα€αšα€˜ာα€žာတစ္ရပ္α€žာျα€–α€…္ ပါα€žα€œား?

α€–ီα€œုိဆုိα€–ီ ဆုိတဲ့α€…α€€ားα€…ုα€Ÿာ α€–ီα€œုိ (Philo)α€”ဲα‚• ဆုိα€–ီα€šာ (Sophia) ေ၀ါα€Ÿာα€› ႏွα€…္ခုα€€ေα€” ျα€–α€…္α€œာတာပါ ။ α€–ီα€œုိα€€ ေမတၱာα€œုိα‚• ထဓိα€•αΈα€š္α€›ျပီး ဆုိα€–ီိα€šာα€€ေတာ့ α€•α€Šာα€€ိုေα€αšα€ာ့ပါ ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€–ီα€œုိဆုိα€–ီဆုိတာ α€•α€Šာα€”ဲα‚•α€šွα€₯္တဲ့ေမတၱာတရား (α€žိုα‚•) ေမတၱာတရားα€”ဲα‚• α€•α€Šာ α€Šα€္ပါ ။ထဲα€’ီထဓိပၸာα€š္ ႏွα€…္ရပ္α€…α€œံုးα€€ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ိုထျα€•α€Š့္ထ၀ေα€–ာ္α€Šႊα€”္းႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€’ီα€œုိα€žα€„္ၾကားပါα€α€š္တင္ ။ “α€œူα€žား ထမွα€”္တရားα€€ုိ α€›ွင္းα€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းα€œα€„္း α€”ားα€œα€Š္ႏိုင္α€›α€”္ α€‘α€žိα€Šα€္α€•α€Šာα€›ဲα‚• ထဆင့္ထတန္းα€€ုိ ထစြα€™္းα€€ုα€”္ျα€™ွင့္တင္α€–ုိ႕ၾကိဳးα€…ားၾက ရပါα€™α€š္။” α€žα€€္α€›ွိα€žα€ၱ၀ါေတြထားα€œံုးα€€ုိ α€™ိတ္ေဆြရင္းခ်ာတစ္ေα€šာα€€္α€œုα‚•ိα€žေα€˜ာထား ႏိုင္ေα€…α€–ုိα‚•α€”ဲα‚• ေမတၱာတရားα€”ဲα‚• ၾကင္α€”ာα€žα€”ားα€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€€ုိ တုိးပြားၿမွင့္တင္ေပးα€–ိုα‚•α€€ုိα€œα€Š္း α€—ုဒၢ ၀ါα€’α€Ÿာα€žα€„္ၾကားေပးပါα€α€š္ ။α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€Ÿာ α€–ီα€œုိဆုိα€–ီ တစ္ရပ္ေတာ့ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€–ီα€œုိဆုိα€–ီα€™α€Š္α€€ာမတၱα€™ွ်ေတာ့ α€™α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€˜ူး ။ ထျမင့္α€™ားဆံုး ထျမင့္ျမတ္ဆံုး α€’ႆα€” α€•α€Šာ) α€œုိ႕ပဲ ဆုိရပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။

                                        So Buddhism Is Just A Philosophy ?

The word philosophy comes from two words “philo” which means “love ” and “Sophia” which means “ wisdom”. So philosophy is the love of wisdom or love and wisdom ,both meanings describing Buddhism perfectly.Buddhism teaches that we should try to develop our intellectual capacity to the fullest so that we can understand clearly. It also teaches us to develop love and kindness so that we can be like a true friend to all human beings .So Buddhism is a philosophy but not just a philosophy .It is the supreme philosophy.


                                                     α€—ုဒၢဆုိတာ α€˜α€š္α€žူα€œဲ ?

ခရစ္ေတာ္ α€™ေα€•αšα€α€„္ ႏွα€…္ေပါင္း ၅၆၃ ခုႏွα€…္ (α€œြα€”္ခဲ့ေα€žာ ႏွα€…္ေပါင္း ၂၆၀၀ခန္α‚•)α€€ ထိႏိα΅α€š ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္းα€”α€š္α€€  α€˜ုရင့္α€™်ိဳးႏြα€š္α€™ိα€žားα€…ုထဲα€™ွာ α€€ေα€œးα€„α€š္တစ္α€₯ီး ေα€™ြးα€–ြားα€žα€”္႕စင္ခဲ့ ပါα€α€š္ ။α€žူα€Ÿာ ခမ္းα€”ားျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုα€™ႈα‚• α€‘α€œွ်ံα€‘α€•α€š္α€”ဲα‚•α€…α€Š္းα€…ိα€™္ခံ α€…ားရင္း ေနထုိင္ၾကီးျပင္း α€œာခဲ့ရပါα€α€š္ ။α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ ထဲα€’ီ α€…α€Š္းα€…ိα€™္α€›ိပ္ျငိα€™္ေတြα€”ဲα‚• α€œံုျခံဳα€…ိတ္ခ်α€…ြာေနရတာေတြα€Ÿာ ထာ၀ရခ်α€™္းေျα€™့ ေပ်ာ္α€›ႊင္α€™ႈα‚” ထစစ္ထမွα€”္ထတြα€€္ ထာမခံခ်α€€္α€›ွိတဲ့ ထရာေတြ  α€™α€Ÿုတ္α€˜ူးဆို တာα€€ုိ α€žူ ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္းα€™ွာ α€žိျမင္α€žေα€˜ာေပါα€€္α€œာခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€žူ႕ပတ္၀န္းα€€်င္α€™ွာ ဆုိးα€›ြားတဲ့ ဆင္းα€›ဲα€’ုကၑေတြα€€ို ျမင္ေတြ႕ရတဲ့ထခါ α€žူα‚•ႏွα€œံုးα€žားထဲထထိ တုα€”္α€œႈပ္ေခ်ာα€€္ ခ်ားေစခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€’ါα€”ဲ႕ပဲ α€œူα‚•α€˜α€ျငိα€™္းခ်α€™္းေပ်ာ္α€›ႊင္α€™ႈα‚• ထစစ္ထမွα€”္α€›ဲα‚• ထေၾကာင္းရင္း တရား α€€ုိ α€›ွာေα€–ြα€–ုိα‚• ဆံုးျဖတ္α€œုိα€€္ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€žူα‚•α€‘α€žα€€္ ၂၉ႏွα€…္ထရြα€š္α€™ွာ ဇနီးα€”ဲα‚• α€žားα€„α€š္ေα€œးα€€ို α€…ြα€”္႕ခြာျပီး (ထဲα€’ီေခတ္α€€) ထိပ္တန္း α€˜ာα€žာေα€›း ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ဆရာၾကီးေတြα€›ဲ႕ထံα€™ွာ α€”α€Š္းခံα€žα€„္α€šူα€–ုိα‚• α€žြားေα€›ာα€€္ခဲ့α€α€š္ ။ထဲα€’ီဆရာၾကီးေတြα€€α€œα€Š္း α€žူα‚•α€€ိုα€–ိα€–ိα€…ီးα€…ီး α€žα€„္ျပေပးၾကပါα€α€š္။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€œူα‚•α€˜α€α€›ဲ႕ဆင္းα€›ဲα€’ုကၑေတြ α€˜ာေၾကာင့္ျα€–α€…္ေα€•αšα€œာျပီး α€˜α€š္α€œုိေα€€်ာ္α€œႊားႏိုင္ α€™α€š္ဆုိတဲ့ တရားα€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္း α€‘α€žိα€Šα€္α€€ုိေတာ့ (α€žα€„္ျပတဲ့ ဆရာၾကီးေတြα€€ုိα€š္တိုင္) တစ္ေα€šာα€€္α€™ွ α€™α€žိα€”ားα€™α€œα€Š္ၾကပါα€˜ူး ။ ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုး   ေျခာα€€္ႏွα€…္  ေα€œာα€€္ၾကာေထာင္ တရားဓမၼေတြα€€ို ( α€™ိα€™ိα€˜ာα€žာ ) ေα€œ့α€œာ ၾကိဳးα€…ားα€€်င့္ၾကံ ထားထုတ္ျပီးတဲ့ေα€”ာα€€္ (မဂၢင္α€›ွα€…္တန္ ထက်င့္α€™ွα€”္ ၊α€‘α€˜α€š္α€‘α€œα€္α€œα€™္းα€…α€₯္α€€ို ေျပာင္းα€œဲα€›ႈα‚•α€™ွတ္တဲ့ထခါ ) α€™α€žိα€”ားα€™α€œα€Š္α€™ႈα‚• (ေα€™ာα€Ÿ ထ၀ိဇၨာ) ထားα€œံုးα€€ုိα€•α€š္ခြာႏိုင္ေစတဲ့ α€Šα€္α€•α€Šာတစ္α€™်ိဳး α€€ုိ α€žူα€Ÿာ α€”ားα€œα€Š္ ပုိင္ဆုိင္α€œာခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ ထဲα€’ီထခ်ိα€”္α€€α€…ျပီး α€žူα‚•α€€ုိ (ထ၀ိဇၨာ၊ α€€ိေα€œα€žာ ျဖင့္ ထိပ္α€™ူးျခင္းα€™ွ ) “ႏုိးထျပီးတဲ့α€žူ” ၊ “ α€—ုဒၢ ”α€œုိα‚• ေα€αšα€œာၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

α€˜ုα€›ားα€›ွင္ျα€–α€…္ေတာ္α€™ူα€œာျပီးေα€”ာα€€္ α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ ၄၅ႏွα€…္ၾကာေထာင္ α€žα€€္ေတာ္ထင္α€›ွားေနထုိင္ α€žီတင္းα€žံုးခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ ထဲα€’ီ ထခ်ိα€”္α€€ာα€œေတြα€™ွာ α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ ( α€žα€…α₯ာတရားေတာ္ေတြα€€ုိ) တစ္ျခားα€œူထေပါင္းတုိα‚•α€€ုိ ထုတ္ေα€–ာ္ေα€Ÿာျပ α€žα€„္ၾကားႏိုင္α€–ုိ႕ထတြα€€္ ထိႏၡိα€š ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္း တစ္ခြင္α€œံုးα€€ုိ ခရီးေα€’α€žα€…ာα€›ီ α€œွα€Š့္α€œα€Š္ၾကြေα€›ာα€€္ေတာ္α€™ူခဲ့ ပါα€α€š္ ။ ျမတ္α€—ုဒၢ α€›ဲα‚• α€™α€Ÿာ α€€α€›ုဏာေတာ္α€žα€”ားၾကင္α€”ာα€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚• α€žα€Š္းခံα€™ႈα‚• ခႏီ ၱတရားေတာ္ေတြα€Ÿာ ထ့ံαΎα€žα€–ြα€š္ေα€€ာင္းေထာင္ ျမင့္ျမတ္ၾကီးα€™ားα€œြα€”္း α€œွျပီး ေထာင္ေပါင္းα€™်ားα€…ြာေα€žာ α€œူေတြα€€ုိ α€—ုဒၢဓမၼထေα€•αšα€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€žα€€္၀င္α€žူေတြျα€–α€…္ေစခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။  α€—ုဒၢရွင္ေတာ္α€Ÿာ  α€žα€€္ေတာ္ αˆα€ ထရြα€š္α€™ွာ ထိုမင္းရင့္ေα€›ာ္α€™ႈα‚•ႏွင့္ထတူ α€”ာα€™α€€်α€”္းတဲ့ ေα€›ာဂါေ၀ဒနာေတြα€€ုိ (α€žα€˜ာ၀ထတုိင္း) ခံα€…ားေတာ္α€™ူα€›ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€žα€€္α€žာျငိα€™္းခ်α€™္းα€…ြာα€”ဲ႕ပဲ ပ႐ိα€”ိဗၺာα€”္α€…ံ၀င္ေတာ္α€™ူခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။


                                                 Who Was The Buddha ?

In the year 563 B.C. a baby was born into a royal family in Northern India .He grew up in wealth and Luxury but found that worldly comforts and security do not guarantee happiness. He was deeply moved by the suffering he saw all around  and resolved to find the key to happiness. When he was 29 he left his wife and child and set off to sit at the feet of  the great religious teachers of the day to learn from them . They taught him much but none really knew the cause of human suffering and how it could be  overcome . Eventually ,after six years study and meditation he had an experience in which all ignorance fell away and he suddenly understood .He Lived for another 45 years in which time he travelled all over the northern India teach others what he discovered . His compassion and patience were legendary and he made thousands of followers.In his eightieth year , old and sick but still happy ့and peace, he finally died .


α€—ုဒၢ ပရိα€”ိဗၺာα€”္  ျပဳα€žြားျပီ (α€žα€€္ေတာ္ထင္α€›ွား α€™α€›ွိေတာ့α€˜ူးဆုိရင္ )  α€—ုဒၢက ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္တုိေတြα€€ုိ α€˜α€š္α€œုိ α€€ူα€Šီေα€…ာင့္  ေα€›ွာα€€္ႏိုင္ ထံုးα€™ွာα€œဲ ?

α€–ာα€›ာေα€’းဆုိတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္α€Ÿာ α€œွ်ပ္α€…α€…္ဓာတ္α€€ုိ တီထြင္ေα€–ာ္ထုတ္ခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€žူ α€€ြα€š္α€œြα€”္ခဲ့ျပီးေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€žူေα€–ာ္ထုတ္ခဲ့တဲ့ α€œွ်ပ္α€…α€…္ဓာတ္α€€ေတာ့ ခုထိေထာင္ ကၽြ္ေတာ္တုိα‚•α€€ုိထက်ိဳးျပဳ α€€ူα€Šီေနတုα€”္းပါပဲ။ α€œူး၀စ္ပစα₯α€›ွာ ဆုိရင္α€œα€Š္း ေα€žေα€œာα€€္တဲ့ ေα€›ာဂါ ထမ်ားထျပားထတြα€€္ α€€ုထံုးေဆးα€Šႊα€”္းေတြ ေα€–ာ္ထုတ္ႏိုင္ခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€žူα‚•α€›ဲα‚•ေဆးα€žိပၸံေတြα‚•α€›ွိခ်α€€္ေတြα€€α€œူα‚•α€‘α€žα€€္ေတြα€€ုိ ခုထထိ α€€α€š္တင္ေနတုα€”္းပါပဲ။ α€œီα€šိုα€”ာα€’ိုα€’ါဗင္ခ်ီα€›ဲα‚• ေျပာင္ေျα€™ာα€€္α€œွ တဲ့ထႏုα€•α€Šာα€–α€”္တီးα€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€Ÿာ α€žူေα€žα€žြားေα€•α€™α€š့္ ခုထက္ထိ α€›α€š္α€›ႊင္ျα€™ဴးတက္ၾကြေစတဲ့ α€›α€žေတြ ေပးေနတုα€”္းပါပဲ။ α€žူေတာ္စင္ ( α€…ိတ္ထားျမင့္ျမတ္ α€žူ)ေတြα€”ဲα‚• α€žူα€›ဲေα€€ာင္းေတြα€Ÿာα€œြα€”္ခဲ့တဲ့ α€›ာα€…ုႏွα€…္ထေတာ္ၾကာα€€α€α€Š္းα€€ α€€ြα€š္α€œြα€”္ခဲ့ျပီး ျα€–α€…္ၾကေα€•α€™α€š့္α€žူတုိα‚• α€–α€”္ တီးခဲ့တဲ့ ျမင့္ ျမတ္တဲ့ α€œုပ္ရပ္ေတြα€”ဲα‚• ေထာင္ျမင္ျα€–α€…္ထြα€”္းα€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€€ုိ ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္တုိ႕ဖတ္α€›ႈα‚•α€žိα€›ွိရတဲ့ထခါ (ထဲα€’ီ့ျမင့္ျမတ္α€™ႈα‚• ေတြα€€ို ) α€žူတိုα‚•α€œုိ ဆက္α€œα€€္ α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ႏိုင္α€–ုိα‚•α€…ိတ္ထားထက္α€žα€”္ေစပါα€α€š္ ။

α€‘α€œားတူပါပဲ ။ α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ α€žα€€္ေတာ္ထင္α€›ွားα€™α€›ွိေတာ့တာ ႏွα€…္ေပါင္း ၂၅၀၀ေα€€်ာ္α€œာခဲ့ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€—ုဒၢရဲα‚•α€œα€™္းα€Šႊα€”္α€žα€„္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€€ေတာ့ α€œူေတြα€€ုိ ခုထက္ထိ ထက်ိဳးျပဳ α€€ူα€Šီေနဆဲပါပဲ ။α€—ုဒၢရဲα‚• ေα€’α€žα€”ာေတာ္ ၊α€™ိα€”္႕ၾကားခ်α€€္ ဓမၼစကားα€œံုးေတြα€Ÿာ α€œူေတြα€›ဲα‚•α€˜α€ေα€€ာင္းα€€်ိဳးα€€ုိ ျα€–α€…္ေα€•αšေျပာင္းα€œဲေα€”ေစတုα€”္းပါပဲ ။ α€—ုα€’αΆα€žာα€œွ်င္ ပရိα€”ိဗၺာα€”္ျပဳျပီးတဲ့ေα€”ာα€€္ α€›ာα€…ုႏွα€…္  ေပါင္းၾကာေထာင္ ထဲα€’ီ ဓမၼစြα€™္းထင္ေတြ α€€ို ထမ်ားထက်ိဳးα€žα€€္ေα€›ာα€€္ ႏိုင္ေစခဲ့ α€žူ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။


                               The Buddha Is Dead So  How Can He Help Us ?

Faraday , who discovered electricity ,is dead, but what he discovered still help us. Luis Pasteur what he discovered the cures for so many diseases is dead, but his medical discoveries still save lives. Leonardo da Vinci who created masterpieces of art is dead, but what he created can still uplift and give joy .Noble men and heroes may have ,been death for centuries but when we read of their deeds and achievements ,we can still be inspired to act as they did .

Yes, the Buddha is dead ,but 2500 years later his teachings still help people, his example still inspires people, his words still change lives ,only a Buddha could have such power centuries after his death .


                                  α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ားတစ္ဆူျα€–α€…္ပါα€žα€œား ?

α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ားα€™α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€˜ူး ။  α€žူα€Ÿာα€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္ ထာα€α€›α€˜ုα€›ားျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္း α€™ျα€™ြα€€္ၾကားခဲ့α€žα€œို α€˜ုα€›ား    α€žα€α€„္ α€›ဲα‚• α€žားေတာ္တစ္ပါး ၊  α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ တမန္ေတာ္တစ္ပါး ထျα€–α€…္ α€˜ုα€›ားα€žα€α€„္α€›ဲα‚•α€Šႊα€”္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚•α€€ုိ α€šူေဆာင္ခဲ့တာα€œုိα‚•α€œα€Š္း α€˜α€š္တုα€”္းα€€α€™ွ α€™ေျပာၾကားခဲ့ပါα€˜ူး ။ α€—ုα€’αΆα€Ÿာ α€žူα€€ိုα€š္တုိင္ ထားထုတ္α€€်င့္ၾကံα€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚• ျပီးျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုတဲ့ α€Šα€္ေတာ္α€€ုိ α€› α€›ွိα€žူ တစ္α€₯ီးα€žာျα€–α€…္ျပီး α€žူα€›ဲα‚• α€žα€„္ျပခ်α€€္ α€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္း α€”α€™ူα€”ာထတုိင္း α€œုိ္α€€္α€”ာα€€်င့္α€žံုးα€™α€š္ဆိုရင္ (α€™α€Š္α€žူမဆို) α€€ုိα€š္ တိုင္α€žိိျမင္ျပီး ျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္α€œို႕ပဲ α€œα€™္းα€Šႊα€”္ေα€Ÿာၾကားေတာ္α€™ူခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။


                                            Was The Buddha A God ?

No ,he was not. He did not claim that he was god,the child of a god or even the messenger from a god. He was a man who perfected himself and taught that  if we followed his example , we could perfect ourselves also .


α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ေတြα€Ÿာ α€›ုပ္တု (idols ) α€€ိုးα€€ြα€š္α€žူေတြ α€œုိα‚• α€œူေတြα€€ ေျပာတာ ၾကားα€–ူးပါα€α€š္ ။( α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€žα€œား) ?

ထဲα€’ီα€œုိα€™်ိဳး ထင္ျမင္ေျပာဆုိတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္ ထေα€”α€”ဲα‚• α€žူα€›ဲα‚• α€™ျα€•α€Š့္၀မႈα‚•၊α€™α€žိα€”ားα€™α€œα€Š္α€™ႈα‚•  α€€ုိထင္α€Ÿα€•္ျပေနတာပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။(idols )α€›ုပ္တုα€›ဲα‚• ထဓိပၸာα€š္α€€ုိ α€‘α€˜ိဓာα€”္α€™ွာ α€–ြင့္ဆုိထားတာα€€ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္ (God )ထျα€–α€…္ α€€ုိးα€€ြα€š္တဲ့ α€›ုပ္ပံု α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ α€›ုပ္α€œံုးα€›ုပ္ထုα€€ုိ idols α€œုိα‚• ေα€αšα€α€š္ α€œုိα‚• ဆုိထားပါα€α€š္ ။

α€žိခဲ့ၾကတဲ့ထတုိင္းပါပဲ ။ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ ေတြα€Ÿာ  α€—ုဒၢကုိ  α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ားထျα€–α€…္ α€™α€žα€္α€™ွတ္ α€™α€šူဆၾကပါα€˜ူး ။ α€’ါ    ေၾကာင့္ α€žα€…္α€žား (α€žိုα‚•) α€žα€ၱဳထပိုင္းထစ တစ္ခုα€€ုိ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ားထျα€–α€…္ α€˜α€š္α€œုိα€œα€€္ခံα€€ိုးα€€ြα€š္ႏိုင္ပါ့α€™α€œဲ ။

α€€α€™ာၻေα€•αšα€›ွိ α€˜ာα€žာတရားထားα€œံုးα€™ွာ α€žူတိုα‚•α€›ဲα‚• α€€ြဲျပားျခားα€”ားတဲ့ α€šူဆခ်α€€္ (၀ါα€’)ေတြα€€ုိေα€–ာ္ျပဖုိα‚• ထတြα€€္ ထမွတ္ α€žေα€€ၤတကုိ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳေα€œ့α€›ွိၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ တာထို α€˜ာα€žာα€™ွာ ပဋိပကၑေတြၾကားα€™ွာ α€Šီα€Šြတ္α€™ွ်တမႈα‚•α€€ုိ α€€ုိα€š္α€…ားျပဳတဲ့ α€žေα€€ၤတထျα€–α€…္ α€šα€„္α€šα€”္ ထမွတ္α€‘α€žားα€€ုိ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ ဆစ္ခ္ α€˜ာα€žာα€™ွာေတာ့ α€…ိတ္၀ိα€Šာα€₯္ α€€ြα€”္္α‚•ျα€™ဴးα€œႈပ္   α€›ွားα€™ႈα‚•α€›ဲα‚• α€žေα€€ၤတထျα€–α€…္ ဓါးα€›ွα€Š္α€€ုိ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳေα€–ာ္ျပၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ ခရစ္α€šာα€₯္α€˜ာα€žာα€™ွာေတာ့ α€α€Š္α€›ွိျခင္းα€€ို ေα€–ာ္ျပဖုိα‚• ထတြα€€္ ငါးα€›ုပ္α€”ဲα‚• α€‘α€žα€€္α€…ြα€”္α‚• ထနစ္α€”ာခံျပီး α€˜ုα€›ားα€žα€α€„္α€€ုိ ပူေဇာ္တဲ့ ထထိα€™္းထမွတ္ α€žေα€€ၤတ ထျα€–α€…္ α€œα€€္၀ါးကပ္ တိုင္ α€€ုိ α€žံုးα€…ြဲခဲ့ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€™ွာ ထရာα€›ာျပီးျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုတဲ့  α€œူα€žားထျα€–α€…္ α€—ုဒၢကုိေα€–ာ္ျပႏိုင္α€–ုိα‚• α€—ုဒၢဆင္းတုေတာ္ေတြα€€ို α€‘α€žံုးျပဳၾကတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€—ုဒၢရဲα‚• α€žα€„္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚•ျα€–α€…္တဲ့ α€œူα€›ဲ႕ထေα€›းပါα€™ႈα‚• α€€ုိα€œα€Š္း ထင္α€Ÿα€•္ေစတာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€Ÿာ α€œူ α€€ုိα€žာ ထဓိα€€ ထားတဲ့ ၀ါα€’ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€€ုိ α€—α€Ÿိုျပဳတဲ့ ၀ါα€’α€™်ိဳးα€œα€Š္းα€™α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€˜ူး ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္α€œα€Š္း   ျပီးျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုα€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚•     ထမွα€”္တ α€›ားα€€ုိ ထုိးထြင္းα€žိျမင္α€”ားα€œα€Š္α€™ႈα‚• တုိα‚•α€€ုိ ျပင္ပ ထေα€•αšα€šံ ထျမင္ေα€œာα€€္α€”ဲα‚• α€›ွာေα€–ြ ဆံုးျဖတ္ျခင္းα€™ျပဳပဲ ထတြင္းα€€်α€€်ေα€œ့α€œာα€€ာ ( α€Šα€္α€•α€Šာ )α€”ဲα‚• α€›ွာေα€–ြ α€žိျမင္α€›α€™α€š္ဆို တာα€€ို ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္တုိα‚• α€žေα€˜ာေပါα€€္ရပါα€™α€š္ ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ေတြα€Ÿာ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္ α€€ိုα€š္ပြားျα€–α€…္တဲ့ α€›ုပ္တု ( Idols )ေတြα€€ုိ α€€ိုးα€€ြα€š္ၾက α€α€š္α€œုိα‚• ေျပာဆုိတာα€Ÿာ α€™α€™ွα€”္ပါα€˜ူး ။

α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ ( α€…α€…္α€…α€…္) ေတြα€Ÿာ ေα€œာα€€ီ α€₯α€…α₯ာၾကြα€š္၀ခ်α€™္းα€žာα€–ိုα‚•α€”ဲα‚• α€…ိတ္၀ိα€Šα€္ပိုင္းဆုိင္α€›ာ ထက်ိဳးα€›ွိေထာင္ α€€ူα€Šီ္ ေ α€…ာင္α€™ α€™်α€€္ႏွာα€žာေပးျခင္းခံα€›α€–ုိα‚• ေα€™ွ်ာ္α€œα€„့္ျပီးေတာ့ α€›ုပ္တုပံုတူေတြ α€€ုိ α€€ုိးα€€ြα€š္ေနၾကတာα€™α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€˜ူး ။ (α€—ုဒၢ α€›ဲα‚•  α€žα€„္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚• ဓမၼေα€’α€žα€”ာေတာ္ေတြα€€ုိ ထာα€›ံုျပဳျပီး αΎα€€α€Š္α€Šိဳ ပူေဇာ္ၾက ျခင္းα€žာျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္။



                          I Have Heard People Say That Buddhists  Worship  Idols ?

Such statement only reflect the misunderstanding of persons who make them .The dictionary defines an idol as – “ an image or statue worshipped as a god : ” As we have seen Buddhists do not believe that the Buddha was a god , so how could they possibly believe that apiece of wood or metal  is a god? All religious use symbols to express various concepts . In Taoism ,the  ying –yang  is used to symbolise the harmony  between opposites . In  Sikhism, the  sword is used to symbolise , spirtual struggle .In Christainanity ,the fish is used to symbolise Christ’s presence  and the cross is used to symbolise his sacrifice .

And in Buddhism ,the statue of the Buddha is used to symbolise   human perfection. The statue of the Buddha also reminds us of the human dimension in Buddhist teaching ,the fact that Buddhism is man-centred not  god-centred , that we must look within not without to find perfection and understanding.

So to say that Buddhist worship idols is not correct . Buddhists do not worship an image expecting worldly or spiritual favours , but pay their reverence to what it represents .



α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€Ÿာ ေα€€ာင္းα€™ြα€”္α€™ွα€”္α€€α€”္α€α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာႏိုင္ငံတစ္ခ်ိဳα‚•α€Ÿာ α€˜ာေၾကာင့္ ဆင္းα€›ဲတြင္းα€”α€€္ေနၾကရတာပါα€œဲ?


α€…ီးပြားေα€›းα€›ႈα‚•ေထာင္တစ္ခု α€α€Š္းα€€ေα€” αΎα€€α€Š့္ျပီးေျပာα€™α€š္ဆုိရင္ေတာ့ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ႏိုင္ငံတစ္ခ်ိဳα‚•α€Ÿာ ဆင္းα€›ဲαΎα€€α€α€š္ ဆုိတာ α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€α€š္ ။α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ ဆင္းα€›ဲα€α€š္ ဆုိတဲ့ α€…α€€ားα€›ဲα‚• ထဓိပၸာα€š္α€Ÿာ α€œူα‚•α€˜α€α€‘α€›α€Š္ထေα€žြး ၊α€œူα‚•α€˜α€α€α€”္α€–ုိး α€”ိα€™့္α€€်α€œုိα‚• ဆင္းα€›ဲတာα€™်ိဳးα€€ုိဆုိα€œုိရင္ေတာ့ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာႏိုင္ငံေတြα€Ÿာ ( မဆင္းα€›ဲတဲ့ထျပင္) ပိုα€œုိα‚•ေတာင္ ခ်α€™္းα€žာ ေနၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

α€₯ပမာျပရရင္ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္ႏိုင္ငံα€Ÿာ α€€α€™ာၻမွာα€…ီးပြားေα€›းထရ ထခ်α€™္းα€žာဆံုးα€”ဲα‚• α€œα€€္α€”α€€္α€…ြα€™္းထင္ထရ ထင္ထားထၾကီးဆံုး ႏိုင္ငံတစ္ခုျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€€α€™ာၻေα€•αšα€™ွာ α€’ုα€…α€›ိုα€€္ထထူေျပာဆံုး ႏိုင္ငံတစ္ခုα€œα€Š္းျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€žα€”္း α€”ဲα‚• ခ်ီတဲ့ α€žα€€္ၾကီးα€›ြα€š္ထိုေတြα€Ÿာ  α€žူတိုα‚• α€žားα€žα€™ီးေတြα€›ဲα‚• α€œα€…္α€œ်ဴα€›ႈα‚•α€…ြα€”္႕ပစ္ျခင္းα€€ုိ ခံα€› ျပီး α€˜ုိးα€˜ြားα€›ိပ္α€žာေတြα€™ွာ ထထီး   α€€်α€”္α€˜α€α€”ဲα‚• ေနထုိင္ေα€žα€†ံုးေနၾကရပါα€α€š္ ။ထၾကမ္းα€–α€€္ တုိα€€္ခုိα€€္ခံα€›α€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚• α€€ေα€œးα€žူα€„α€š္ ထခြင့္ထေα€›းခ်ိဳးေα€–ာα€€္α€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€Ÿာ ထဓိα€€ ျα€•α€Š္တြင္းေα€›း ျပႆα€”ာေတြ ျα€–α€…္ေနပါα€α€š္ ။ ထိα€™္ေထာင္ေα€›းα€€α‚‘α€™ွာ α€žံုးα€…ံုတြဲ α€œα€€္ထပ္တုိင္း တစ္α€…ံုတြဲα€Ÿာ ျပန္ျပီးα€€ြာα€›ွင္းျပတ္α€…ဲၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ α€Šα€…္α€Šα€™္α€’α€›ုပ္α€›ွင္α€œုိα€Ÿာα€™်ိဳးα€œα€Š္း α€‘α€œြα€š္တကူ α€›α€›ွိႏိုင္ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ ေငြေၾကးထရေတာ့ ခ်α€™္းα€žာၾကြα€š္၀ၾကေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€˜α€ α€‘α€›α€Š္ထေα€žြး တန္α€–ုိး ထကန္α‚•α€‘α€žα€္ထပိုင္းα€™ွားေတာ့ α€žိပ္ဆင္းα€›ဲ    ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

α€šα€ု ဆက္α€œα€€္ျပီး α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€šα€₯္ေα€€်းα€™ႈ႕ထြα€”္းα€€ားတဲ့ ႏိုင္ငံေတြα€€ုိေα€œ့α€œာαΎα€€α€Š့္α€œို္α€€္ရင္ α€‘α€œြα€”္α€€ြဲျပားျခားα€”ားတဲ့ α€œူα‚•α€‘α€›α€Š္ထေα€žြး တန္α€–ုိးထေျခထေα€”α€€ုိ ေတြα‚•α€›α€™ွာပါ ။ ( α€—ုα€’αΆα€šα€₯္ေα€€်းα€™ႈ႕ထရ ) α€™ိα€˜ေတြα€Ÿာ α€žားα€žα€™ီးα€›ဲα‚• α€›ိုေα€žေα€œးα€…ားα€™ႈα‚•α€€ုိ ခံα€šူၾကရပါα€α€š္ ။ α€›ာဇ၀တ္ျα€–α€…္ပြားႏႈα€”္းα€Ÿာα€œα€Š္း တစ္ျခားႏိုင္ငံေတြထက္ေα€œ်ာ့α€”α€Š္းပါα€α€š္ ။α€€ြာα€›ွင္းျပတ္α€…ဲα€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚• α€€ုိုိα€š့္α€€ုိα€š္α€€ို ေα€žေၾကာင္းၾကံα€…α€Š္α€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€Ÿာ α€™α€›ွိα€žေα€œာα€€္α€”α€Š္းပါးၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ α€˜ာα€žာေα€›းα€žြα€”္α€žα€„္α€™ႈေၾကာင့္ ႏူးα€Šံ့ α€žိα€™့္ေα€™ြα‚•ျပီး α€…ိတ္α€žေα€˜ာထား ျမင့္ျမတ္α€œာၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ တစ္ခါα€™ွ α€™α€žိα€–ူးတဲ့ α€œူα€…ိα€™္းေတြထေα€•αšα€™ွာေတာင္ α€§α€Š့္၀တ္ ေα€€်ပြα€”္α€…ြာေကၽြးေα€™ြးα€§α€Š့္ခံတက္ၾကပါα€α€š္္ ။ထဲα€’ီα€œုိ α€žူတစ္ပါးα€€ုိ α€₯ီးα€…ားေပးျပီး ဂရုတစိုα€€္ ေα€œးα€…ားတက္ျခင္းေတြα€Ÿာ  α€žိα€™္ေα€™ြ႕ထက္α€žα€”္တဲ့ α€…ိတ္ပိုင္းဆိုင္α€›ာ ခ်α€™္းα€žာၾကြα€š္၀မႈα‚•ေတြပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€’ါေၾကာင့္ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္α€œုိ ႏိုင္ငံα€™်ိုးα€”ဲα‚•α€…ာရင္ α€…ီးပြားေα€›းထရ ေခတ္ေα€”ာα€€္α€€်α€€်α€”္α€›α€…္ခဲ့ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€˜α€ α€‘α€›α€Š္ထေα€žြး α€œူ႕တန္α€–ုိးထစစ္ျမင့္α€™ားα€™ႈα‚•α€™ွာေတာ့ ထမ်ားၾကီးα€žာα€œြα€”္α€œွပါα€α€š္ ။


             Is Buddhism Is So Good Why Are Some Buddhist Countries Poor ?

If by poor mean economically, then it is true that some Buddhist countries are poor .But, if by poor mean a poor quality of life ,then perhaps some countries are quite rich . America ,for example ,is an economically rich and powerful country but the crime rate is one of the highest in the world ,millions of old people are neglected by their children and die of loneliness in old people’s homes ,domestic violence and child abuse are major problems .One in  three marriages ends in divorce ,  pornography   is easily available .Rich in terms of money but perhaps poor in terms of the quality of life .

Now ,if you look at  some traditional Buddhist countries you find a very different situation .Parents are honoured and respected by their children, the crime rates are relatively low , divorce and suicide are rare and traditional values like gentleness , generosity ,hospitality to strangers, tolerance and respect for others are still strong . Economically backward , but perhaps a higher quality of life than a country like America .


α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ  တစ္ခု α€α€Š္းα€€α€žာ ျမင့္ျမတ္α€α€š္ ၊α€™ွα€”္α€€α€”္α€α€š္ဆုိေတာ့ တစ္ျခားα€˜ာα€žာေတြ ထားα€œံုးα€Ÿာ α€™ွားα€šြင္း   ေα€” ၾက  α€α€š္ေပါ့ ။

α€—ုα€’αΆα€žα€„္ၾကားခဲ့တဲ့ တရားဓမၼကုိ α€”ားα€œα€Š္α€žေα€˜ာေပါα€€္ၾကတဲ့ α€˜α€š္α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’ီα€€α€™ွ တစ္ျခားα€˜ာα€žာတရားေတြα€Ÿာ α€™ွား  α€šြင္းα€α€š္α€œုိα‚• α€™ေျပာၾကပါα€˜ူး ။ တစ္ျခားα€˜ာα€žာတရားေတြα€€ုိ ပြင့္ပြင့္α€œα€„္းα€œα€„္းထိထိေα€›ာα€€္ေα€›ာα€€္ ေα€œ့α€œာဆန္းα€…α€…္ α€œိုတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္တစ္α€₯ီးထေα€”α€”ဲα‚• ထဲα€’ီα€œုိေတြးေα€αšα€šူဆဖုိα‚• α€™α€žα€„့္ပါα€˜ူး ။

မတူα€€ြဲျပားတဲ့ α€˜ာα€žာတရားေတြα€€ုိ ေα€œ့α€œာဆန္းα€…α€…္α€›ာα€™ွာ ပထမα€₯ီးဆံုးα€žိα€™ွတ္α€›α€™ွာα€€ေတာ့ ထဲα€’ီα€˜ာα€žာေတြထဲα€™ွာ  (α€œူα€žားထက်ိဳး) ထမ်ားထက်ိဳးေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ေနတဲ့ α€Šႊα€”္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚•α€™်ိဳးα€˜α€š္ေα€œာα€€္α€™်ားα€™်ား ပါ၀င္ေα€”α€žα€œဲဆုိတာα€€ုိပါပဲ။

α€˜ာα€žာထားα€œံုးα€€ α€žေα€˜ာတူα€‘α€žိထမွတ္ျပဳထားၾကတာα€€ေတာ့ α€œူα€žားထားα€œံုးα€›ဲα‚•α€œα€€္α€›ွိထေျခထေα€”α€Ÿာ ေα€€်နပ္ ႏွα€…္α€žိα€™့္ေα€œာα€€္တဲ့ထေနထထား α€™α€›ွိα€˜ူးဆိုတာပါပဲ ။α€œူα€žားα€›ဲα‚• α€œα€€္α€›ွိ ထေနထထားα€€ုိ ေျပာင္းα€œဲ ျα€™ွင့္တင္ခ်င္α€α€š္ဆုိရင္ေတာ့ α€…ိတ္ထားα€”ဲα‚• ထက်င့္α€…α€›ိုα€€္ေတြα€€ုိ ျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းα€œဲα€–ိုα‚• α€œုိထပ္α€α€š္α€œုိα‚• α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ ခ်α€…္ျခင္းေမတၱာ တရား ၊ၾကင္α€”ာα€žα€”ားတက္တဲ့ α€€α€›ုဏာတရား ၊α€žα€Š္းခံα€…ိတ္α€›ွα€Š္ျခင္း ၊ေစတနာα€žα€’αΆါတရားထက္α€žα€”္ျခင္းα€”ဲα‚• α€œူα€™ႈα‚•α€€်င့္ ၀တ္α€…α€Š္းα€€α€™္းေတြပါ၀င္တဲ့ α€€ုိα€š္α€€်င့္α€žိကၑာတရားေတြα€€ုိ α€˜ာα€žာတို္င္းα€œုိα€œုိα€€ α€žα€„္ၾကားα€Šႊα€”္ျပၾကျပီးေတာ့ α€’ီတရားေတြα€›ဲα‚• ထၾကြင္းα€™ဲ့ ျα€–α€…္α€α€Š္α€™ႈα‚• (α€™ွα€”္α€€α€”္ျမင့္ျမတ္ျခင္း) α€€ုိα€œα€Š္း α€œα€€္ခံထားၾကပါα€α€š္ ။



You Certainly Think Highly  Of Buddhism .I Suppose You Think Your Religion Is Right And All The Others Are Wrong ?

No Buddhist who understands the Buddha’s teaching thinks that other  religious are wrong .No one who, has made a genuine effort to examine other religions with an open mind could think like that either . The  first thing you notice when you study the different religions is just how much they have in common. All religions acknowledge that man’s present state is unsatisfactory .All believe that a change of attitude and behaviours  is needed if man’s situation is to improve . All teach an ethics that includes love , kindness ,patience, generosity and social responsibility and all accept the existence of some form of Absolute .


                                        α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€Ÿာ α€žိပၸံα€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္းα€€်ပါα€›ဲα‚•α€œား ?

α€’ီေα€™းခြα€”္းα€™ေျဖဆုိခင္α€™ွာ α€žိပၸံ ဆုိတဲ့ α€…α€€ားα€œံုးေ၀ါα€Ÿာα€›α€€ုိ ထဓိပၸာα€š္ α€–ြင့္ဆိုαΎα€€α€Š့္တာ ထေကင္းဆံုး ျα€–α€…္ပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။ α€‘α€˜ိဓာα€”္ α€–ြင့္ဆုိ ခ်α€€္ထရ α€žိပၸံဆုိတာα€Ÿာ α€…α€”α€…္တက် α€…ူးα€…α€™္းေα€œ့α€œာα€›ာα€€ေα€” α€›α€›ွိα€œာတဲ့ α€‘α€žိα€•α€Šာ ထတက္α€•α€Šာ ျα€–α€…္ ပါα€α€š္။ α€…α€”α€…္တက်ဆုိα€›ာα€™ွာ ေα€šα€˜ုα€š်α€žα€˜ာ၀နိα€šာα€™α€žေα€˜ာတရားေတြα€€ုိ ေα€–ာ္ထုတ္ျပီး α€α€€α€š္α€…α€…္α€™ွα€”္ တဲ့ ထခ်α€€္ α€‘α€œα€€္ေတြα€€ုိ α€œα€€္ေတြα‚•α€€်α€€်α€›ႈျမင္ α€…α€™္းα€žα€•္ျပီး ေα€žα€်ာထားα€€ုိးα€‘α€α€Š္ျပဳတဲ့ α€…α€”α€…္ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ထဲα€’ီα€œုိပံု α€…α€”α€…္ထတြင္း α€žြင္းα€šူႏိုင္ေα€œာα€€္တဲ့ α€•α€Šာα€”ဲα‚• တိ α€€်ေα€žα€်ာေထာင္ α€…α€™္းα€žα€•္α€…α€…္ေဆးတာα€€ုိ ခံႏိုင္ေα€œာα€€္တဲ့ ထထက္ပါ တက္ α€žိα€•α€Šာေတြα€›ဲα‚• ဆင့္ပြား α€•α€Šာရပ္ ေတြထားα€œံုးα€Ÿာ α€žိပၸံ ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€™ွာ α€’ီ α€–ြင့္ဆုိခ်α€€္ α€”ဲα‚” α€™α€€ိုα€€္α€Šီေα€žးတဲ့ ထေတြးထျမင္ α€‘α€šူထဆေတြ α€œα€Š္းα€›ွိေနပါα€α€š္ ။ α€’ါေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€—ုဒၢ   ၀ါα€’α€›ဲα‚• ထဓိα€€α€€်တဲ့ α€žα€„္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚• α€’ႆα€” α€€ေတာ့ α€žα€…α₯ာေα€œးပါး ထမွα€”္တရား ေα€’α€žα€”ာေတာ္ ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ျပီး α€’ီα€žα€…α₯ာတရား  ေတာ္ေတြα€›ဲα‚•α€žေα€˜ာထားα€…ံႏႈα€”္းေတြα€Ÿာ α€žိပၸံα€•α€Šာα€–ြင့္ဆိုခ်α€€္ေတြα€”ဲα‚• ထထူးα€€ိုα€€္α€Šီေနပါα€α€š္ ။

(α€žα€…α₯ာေα€œးပါး) α€™ွာ  ပထမဆံုးျα€–α€…္တဲ့ ( α€’ုα€€α‘α€žα€…α₯ာ )α€Ÿာ α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းျα€•α€žႏိုင္တဲ့ေတြ႕ၾကံဳခံα€…ားα€™ႈα‚• တစ္ခုပါပဲ ။ ( α€˜α€α€™ွာ   ဆင္းα€›ဲျခင္းα€Ÿာ α€…α€…္α€™ွα€”္တဲ့ α€žα€…α₯ာတရား ပဲဆုိတာα€€ုိ α€€ုိα€š္ေတြα‚• ခံα€…ားα€œုိα‚•α€›α€”ိုင္ပါα€α€š္ )

α€’ုတိα€šေျα€™ာα€€္ ထမွα€”္တရားα€€ေတာ့ α€’ုကၑဆင္းα€›ဲ ျα€–α€…္α€›ျခင္းα€›ဲα‚• ထေၾကာင္းရင္းα€žα€˜ာ၀ျα€–α€…္တဲ့ α€œုိခ်င္ ေတာင့္တမႈα‚•      (တဏွာ α€žα€™ုα€’α€šα€žα€…α₯ာ ) ထေၾကာင္း α€€ုိ ေα€–ာ္ျပပါα€α€š္ ။ (ဆင္းα€›ဲေα€…ျခင္းα€›ဲα‚• ထေၾကာင္းထရင္းα€€ုိ α€’ုα€€α‘α€žα€…α₯ာα€œုိပဲ )α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းα€…ြာ ျα€•α€žႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€€ုိα€š္ေတြα‚• ခံα€…ားα€žိα€›ွိႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။α€™ွα€”္းဆ ေတြးျမင္ႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။

(α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€™ွာ တရားဓမၼေတြα€€ု္ိ ) ဆန္းျပား α€›ႈပ္ေထြးα€œြα€”္းα€œွတဲ့ α€…α€€ားα€œံုးေတြα€”ဲα‚• α€’ါα€™ွα€™α€Ÿုတ္ α€’α‚‘ာα€›ီဆန္တဲ့ ပူα€›ာဏ္ေα€›ွး ေα€Ÿာင္းα€€်α€™္းα€œာ ေ၀ါα€Ÿာα€›ေတြα€€ုိ α€žံုးα€…ြဲျပီး α€œူထထင္ၾကီးေထာင္ α€šုတၱိ ျပရွင္းα€œα€„္းα€–ြင့္ဆိုα€–ုိα‚• ၾကိဳးα€…ားတာα€™်ိဳး α€œံုး၀မပါα€›ွိပါα€˜ူး ။

တတိα€šေျα€™ာα€€္ ထမွα€”္တရား  ထရိα€šα€žα€…α₯ာ α€€ေတာ့ α€’ုကၑထေပါင္းတိုα‚•α€›ဲα‚• ျပီးဆံုးခ်ဴပ္ျငိα€™္းα€›ာ(α€”ိေα€›ာα€“α€žα€…α₯ာ ) ပါပဲ ။α€’ုကၑ ေတြ ခ်ဴပ္ျငိα€™္းα€–ုိ႕ဆိုတာ တန္ခုိးα€›ွင္ (α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ား )α€€ုိ α€α€šα€œုိα‚• ၊α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€€ုိးα€€ြα€š္α€œုိα‚• ၀တ္ျပဳဆုေတာင္းα€œိုα‚• α€›α€”ိုင္ တာα€™်ိဳး α€™α€Ÿုတ္ပဲ α€’ုကၑျα€–α€…္ပြားေစတက္တဲ့  α€™ူα€œ ထေၾကာင္းထရင္းα€€ုိ α€–α€š္α€›ွားပစ္ႏိုင္α€™ွα€žာ α€’ုကၑ α€€ ကင္းα€œြတ္α€™ႈα‚•α€€ုိ α€›α€›ွိ ႏိုင္ျခင္းα€Ÿာ α€žα€˜ာ၀ ထမွα€”္တရားα€žα€…α₯ာပါပဲ ။

α€’ါα€Ÿာ α€‘α€œြα€”္တရာα€™ွ α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းα€žိα€žာα€œွတဲ့ ထခ်α€€္ ပါ ။

စတုတၳေျα€™ာα€€္ α€žα€…α₯ာα€€ေတာ့ α€’ုကၑထေပါင္းတိုα‚•α€€ုိ ျပီးဆံုးခ်ဳပ္ျငိα€™္းေစတဲ့ α€€်င့္α€…α€₯္ α€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္း (မဂၢα€žα€…α₯ာ)ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€’ုကၑ α€€ုိ ခ်ဴပ္ျငိα€™္းေα€…α€–ုိα‚•  α€žေα€˜ာတရားေတြα€€ိုပဲ ေတြးေတာၾကံα€…α€Š္ေα€” α€œုိα‚• မရပါα€˜ူး ။(ေα€€ာင္းျခင္းထဂၤါ α€›ွα€…္ပါး )ပါ၀င္ တဲ့ မဂၢင္α€œα€™္းα€…α€₯္α€€ုိα€žာ α€œα€€္α€€ုိင္ထားျပီး α€€်င့္ၾကံထားထုတ္α€–ုိ႕ပဲ α€œုိထပ္ပါα€α€š္ ။ ျပီးေတာ့ ထဲα€’ီ မဂၢင္ ထက်င့္တရား  α€œα€™္းα€…α€₯္α€›ဲα‚• α€œα€€္ေတြα‚•α€€်α€™ႈα‚•α€€ို α€…α€™္းα€žα€•္αΎα€€α€Š့္α€–ိုα‚•α€€ုိα€œα€Š္း α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€œα€™္းα€–ြင့္ေပးထားပါα€α€š္ ။ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္ထေα€•αš α€™ွီခို α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€™ႈα‚•α€€ုိ α€žိပၸံα€•α€Šာα€€ ပစ္α€•α€š္α€žα€œုိ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€α€œα€Š္း α€œα€€္မခံပါα€˜ူး ။ ေα€”ာα€€္ျပီး စၾကာ၀ဠာα€›ဲα‚• α€™ူα€œα€”ဲα‚• ( ျပ႒ာα€”္း α€™ႈα‚•) α€œုပ္ေဆာင္α€™ႈα‚• α€žေα€˜ာေတြα€€ုိ α€žα€˜ာ၀နိα€šာα€™ ( Natural Law ) ထရ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းျα€•α€žႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€’ီထခ်α€€္ေတြထားα€œံုးα€Ÿာ (α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€›ဲα‚•) α€α€€α€š့္ α€žိပၸံ α€”α€Š္းα€€် ထေတြးထျမင္ ေတြပဲ ျα€–α€…္ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။ တစ္ခါ α€—ုဒၢထေα€”α€”ဲα‚•α€œူေတြα€€ို ထစα€₯္α€žျဖင့္ α€žα€ိေပးတဲ့ ႏႈိးေဆာ္ေα€œ့α€›ွိတဲ့ ထခ်α€€္တစ္ခုα€€ ေα€žေα€žα€်ာခ်ာေα€œ့α€œာα€…ံုα€…α€™္းα€™ႈα‚•α€™ျပဳပဲα€™်α€€္α€€α€”္းα€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€™ႈα‚• α€™်ိဳးα€€ို α€™ျပဳα€œုပ္ၾကႏွင့္ ။  တစ္α€…ံုတစ္α€›ာα€€ို α€œα€€္ခံ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€–ုိα‚• α€žα€„့္ α€™α€žα€„့္ ဆိုတာα€€ုိ မဆံုးျဖတ္ခင္α€™ွာ α€…ိတ္ ထက္α€žα€”္α€…ြာ ေα€™းျα€™α€”္းα€”ာα€šူၾကပါ ။ ေα€œ့α€œာα€…α€…္ေဆးၾကပါ ။α€…ံုα€…α€™္းခ်င့္ခ်ိα€”္ၾကပါ ။ α€™ိα€™ိတုိα‚• α€€ုိα€š္ပိုင္ ထေတြα‚• ထၾကံဳ ေတြα€€ို α€‘α€žံုးျပဳျပီး ထားα€€ိုးထားထားျပဳ ဆံုးျဖတ္ၾကပါ ဆိုတာ ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€’ါα€Ÿာ α€—ုဒၢကိုα€š္ေတာ္တုိင္α€›ဲα‚•α€žိပၸံဆန္တဲ့ α€œα€™္းα€Šႊα€”္ႏႈတ္α€€ ပတ္ေတာ္α€žံ ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုဒၢက ေထာα€€္ပါထတုိင္း       α€™ိα€”္α‚•   ၾကားခဲ့ပါေα€žးα€α€š္ ။

(ထမွα€”္တရားα€›ွာေα€–ြတဲ့ေα€”α€›ာα€™ွာ )

  • ျမင္α€›ံုၾကားα€›ံု α€™ွ်ျဖင့္ (α€žိုα‚•α€™α€Ÿုတ္) α€™ိα€›ိုးα€–α€œာ ဓေα€œ့ထံုးα€…ံ ျα€–α€…္α€€ာα€™ွ် ျဖင္ ့α€œα€€္မခံေα€œ α€”ဲα‚•α€₯ီး ။
  • ေα€€ာα€œα€Ÿာα€œ α€žα€α€„္းα€…α€€ား ၾကားα€›ံုα€™ွ်ႏွင့္ (α€žိုα‚•α€™α€Ÿုတ္) ေα€›ွးေα€Ÿာင္းα€€်α€™္းα€…ာထဲ ေα€›းα€žားထား၍ဆုိα€›ံုα€”ဲα‚•   α€œα€€္မခံေα€œ α€”ဲα‚•α€₯ီး ။
  • တစ္ဆင့္α€…α€€ား ၾကားα€›ံုα€™ွ်ျဖင့္ (α€žိုα‚•α€™α€Ÿုတ္ ) ထေၾကာင္းထက်ိဳး ဆက္စပ္ဆီေα€œ်ာ္α€™ႈα‚•α€›ွိα€žα€Š္ α€Ÿု ထင္ျမင္α€€ာα€™ွ်ႏွင့္ α€œα€€္မခံα€œိုα€€္ပါႏွင့္α€₯ီး ။
  • ၾကံα€…α€Š္  α€…ိတ္α€€ူးα€™ွα€”္းဆ၍ α€œα€Š္းေα€€ာင္း ၊α€žူတစ္ပါး ၏ α€…ြα€™္းα€›α€Š္α€€ုိ ထထင္ၾကီးျခင္း ျα€–α€…္၍ α€œα€Š္းေα€€ာင္း ၊α€œα€€္မခံ α€œုိα€€္ပါႏွင့္α€₯ီး ။
  • ငါတုိα‚•  ဆရာα€žα€™ား ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€œုိα‚• ဆုိျပီးေတာ့α€œα€Š္း α€œα€€္ခံ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ျခင္း   α€™ျပဳα€œုိα€€္ပါα€”ဲα‚• α€₯ီး ။

ကထရာα€€ေတာ့ ေα€€ာင္းတဲ့ တရား ၊ထျပစ္ကင္းတဲ့ တရား ၊α€•α€Šာα€›ွိα€žူေတြ  ခ်ီးα€™ြα€™္းတဲ့တရား α€…α€žα€Š္တုိα‚•α€€ုိ α€™ိα€™ိတုိα‚•α€€ုိα€š္တိုင္   α€žိျမင္α€œာတဲ့ထခါα€™ွα€žာ   ထဲα€’ီတရားေတြα€€ို   α€œα€€္ခံျပီး    α€€ုိα€š္တိုင္  α€€်င့္α€žံုးα€œိုα€€္α€”ာαΎα€€α€Š့္ပါ ။ α€œα€€္ေတြα€€်င့္ၾကံထားထုတ္α€™ႈα‚•α€”ွင့္ထတူ ျငိα€™္းခ်α€™္းေထးျမတဲ့   α€”ိဗၺာα€”္ ထျα€™ိဳα€€္α€‘α€›α€žာα€€ုိ  ေα€›ွးα€›ႈ α€₯ီးα€α€Š္α€™α€š္ဆုိရင္ ထဲα€’ီα€œα€™္းα€€ို α€œုိα€€္ပါေတာ့ ။

                                                                                                      ( ထဂၤုတၱိဳα€›္ပါα€ ိေတာ္ -၁၈၈ )

α€’ါေၾကာင့္ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€Ÿာ α€žိပၸံα€•α€Šာႏွင့္ ထပ္တူ ထပ္α€™ွ် မတူα€Šီႏိုင္ေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€žိပၸံα€žေα€˜ာ α€žα€€္ေα€›ာα€€္α€™ႈα‚•ေတြ ထျα€•α€Š့္  ထ၀ α€›ွိα€α€š္α€œုိα‚•ေတာ့ ဆုိႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္ ။ တစ္ျခားα€˜ာα€žာေတြα€”ဲα‚• ႏိႈင္းα€šွα€₯္ရင္ α€˜α€š္α€žာα€žာထက္မဆုိ  α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€€ ပို  ျ ပီးေတာ့ α€žိပၸံ α€”α€Š္းα€€်ပါα€α€š္ ။

၂၀ α€›ာα€…ု ေခတ္α€™ွာ ထင္α€›ွားၾကီးα€€်α€š္တဲ့ α€žိပၸံ α€•α€Šာα€›ွင္ တစ္α€₯ီးျα€–α€…္တဲ့ ထဲα€œ္α€˜α€္ ထုိင္းစတုိင္း ( Albert Einstein ) α€›ဲα‚• α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာα€”ဲα‚• ပတ္α€žα€€္ျပီး ထုတ္ေα€–ာ္ေျပာဆုိခ်α€€္α€Ÿာ α€’ီထခ်α€€္α€€ို ပိုျပီး ခုိင္α€™ာေစခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။

ေα€”ာင္ထနာဂတ္α€™ွာ ေα€•αšα€‘ြα€”္းα€œာα€™α€š့္ α€˜ာα€žာေα€›းα€Ÿာ စၾကာ၀ဠာα€˜ာα€žာ (Cosmic Religion ) ပဲ ျα€–α€…္ရပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။ ထဲα€’ီ စၾကာ၀ဠာ α€˜ာα€žာဆုိတာ တစ္α€žီးပုဂၢα€œα€†α€”္တဲ့ α€˜ုα€›ား (Personal God ) ဆုိတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္ေα€›း ထစြဲ α€€α€”္α‚•α€žα€္       ေα€˜ာင္ α€€ို ေα€€်ာ္α€œြα€”္ရပါα€™α€š္  ။ တရားေα€žα€ါα€’α€…ြဲα€”ဲα‚• ေၾကာင္းα€€်ိဳးမထင္α€›ွားတဲ့ တရားေα€ž α€˜ာα€žာရပ္ α€•α€Šာထစြဲေတြ ကင္းα€›ွင္း ရပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။ α€žα€˜ာ၀ကိုေα€›ာ ၊α€žα€…α₯ာဓမၼကုိပါ α€œႊα€™္းျခံဳα€™ိတဲ့ α€’ီα€˜ာα€žာေα€›းα€™်ိဳးα€Ÿာ ထရာα€›ာα€€ိုေα€œ့α€œာα€žိျမင္ ထပ္တဲ့ ထေတြ႕ထၾကံဳေတြ ၊α€žα€˜ာ၀ဓမၼ ႏွင့္ ဆက္စပ္α€™ႈα‚• α€›ွိျပီး ထဓိα€•αΈα€š္α€œα€Š္းျα€•α€Š့္၀တဲ့ α€Šီα€Šြတ္α€…ုα€…α€Š္း α€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€€ေα€”     α€…α€…္ထုတ္α€›α€›ွိα€œာတဲ့ α€˜ာα€žာေα€›းα€‘α€žိα€…ိတ္ ထေα€•αš ထေျခခံတဲ့ α€˜ာα€žာေα€›းα€™်ိဳး ျα€–α€…္ရပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။

α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€Ÿာ α€’ီထခ်α€€္α€‘α€œα€€္ေတြα€€ို ထေျα€–α€›ွာ ျα€–α€Š့္α€†α€Š္းေပးႏိုင္ တဲ့ α€…ြα€™္းα€›α€Š္α€›ွိပါα€α€š္ ။α€α€€α€š္α€œုိα‚• α€™်α€€္ေα€™ွာα€€္ α€œုိထပ္ခ်α€€္ေတြα€€ို ျခံဳငံု ေျα€–α€›ွင္းေပးႏိုင္α€™α€š့္ α€˜ာα€žာတစ္ခုα€›ွိα€α€š္ဆုိရင္ ထဲα€’ီα€˜ာα€žာα€Ÿာ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာပဲ ျα€–α€…္ရပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ။


                                                Is Buddhism Scientific ?

Before we answered that question it would be best to define the word “science”. Science ,according to the dictionary is –“ knowledge which can be made into a system, which depends upon seeing and testing facts and stating general natural laws ,a  branch of such knowledge , anything that can be studied exactly .”

There are some aspects of Buddhism that would not fit into this  definition but the central teachings of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths ,most certainly would .

Suffering , The First Noble Truth , is an experience that can be defined ,experienced and measured .

The Second Noble Truth states that suffering  has natural cause , craving which likewise can be defined , experienced and measured .

No attempt is made to explain suffering in  terms of a metaphysical concept or  myths .

Suffering is ended , according to the Third Noble truth , not by relying on  a supreme being , by faith or by prayers but simply  by removing its cause .

This is axiomatic .

The Fourth Noble Truth  , the   way to end suffering , once again, has nothing to do  with metaphysics but depends on behaving in specific ways .

And once again behaviour is open to testing .Buddhism is open to testing .Buddhism dispenses with the concept of supreme being,as does science ,and explains  the origins and workings of the universe in terms of  natural law .All of this  certainly exhibits  a scientific spirit .

Once again ,the Buddha’s constant advice that we should  not blindly believe but rather question ,  and examine , inquire and rely on our  own experience ,has a definite scientific ring to it .He Says :

  • Do not go by revelation or tradition ,
  • Do not go by rumor ,or the sacred  scriptures,
  • Do not go by hearsay or merelogic,
  • Do not go by bias towards a notion or by another person’s seeming ability and 
  • Do not go by the idea “He is our teacher ”

“But when yourself know that a thing is good ,that it is not blamable that it is praised by the wise and when  practised  and  observed that it leads to happiness ,then follow that thing .”

                                                                                                           ( A.i 188)

So  we could say that although Buddhism is not entirely scientific ,it certainly  has a strong scientific overtone and is certainly more scientific than any other religion . It is scientific that Albert Einstein, the greatest Scientist of  the twentieth century  said of Buddhism ;

“ The religion of the future will be a cosmic  religions .It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology . Covering both the natural and the spiritual ,it should be based on a religious sense arising from experience of all things ,natural and spiritual and meaningful unity .

Buddhism answer this description . If here is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs,it would be Buddhism . “


      α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္α€˜ုα€›ားα€€ို္ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€  α€™α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€˜ူး ၊ α€œα€€္မခံα€˜ူးဆုိရင္ α€˜ာα€€ိုα€™်ား α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ၾကတာα€œဲ ?

α€œူ  α€€ုိပဲ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္တဲ့ ထတြα€€္ α€–α€”္ဆင္းα€›ွင္ α€˜ုα€›ားα€€ို α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€™α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္α€œα€€္မခံတာပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။  α€œူα‚• ထျα€–α€…္  (human being ) α€œူတစ္α€₯ီးα€…ီ α€›ဲα‚• α€˜α€ တန္α€–ုိးၾကီးα€™ားျပီးေတာ့ ထေα€›းα€œα€Š္းပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုဒၢ ( α€Šα€္α€•α€Šာ ထထြဋ္ထထိပ္ ေα€›ာα€€္α€žူတစ္α€₯ီး ) α€œုိ ထဖက္α€–α€€္  α€€ ျα€•α€Š့္α€…ံုျပီးေျα€™ာα€€္တဲ့ α€œူα€žားတစ္α€₯ီးထျα€–α€…္α€žိုα‚• တို္င္ေထာင္ တုိးတက္ ျမင့္α€™ားႏိုင္ တဲ့ α€…ြα€™္းထင္α€Ÿာ α€œူα€™ွာα€›ွိα€α€š္ α€œုိα‚•α€œα€Š္း α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€œူα€žားα€Ÿာ α€™ွားα€šြင္းတဲ့ α€‘α€žိထျမင္ေတြα€”ဲ႕ထတူ ေတြေ၀မႈα‚• ေတြ ဆင္ျခင္တံုတရား ကင္းα€™ဲ့α€™ႈα‚•ေတြ ျα€–α€…္ေα€•αšႏိုင္ေα€žး     α€α€š္α€œိုα‚• α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ို α€œα€€္ခံα€žူေတြα€Ÿာ ထရာα€›ာတုိင္းα€™ွာ ထရွိα€€ို ထရွိထတိုင္းပဲ α€›ႈα‚•ျမင္α€žံုးα€žα€•္ ေα€œ့ α€›ွိၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

ထမုα€”္းပြား ၊α€›α€”္ျငိဳးα€–ြဲα‚•ျခင္းα€€ို ေမတၱာတရားα€”ဲα‚• ၊α€…ိတ္ဆုိးျခင္းα€€ို α€…ိတ္α€›ွα€Š္α€žα€Š္းခံα€™ႈα‚•α€”ဲα‚• ၊ထာဃာတနဲα‚• α€™α€œုိတမာα€…ိတ္ျα€–α€…္   ျခင္းα€€ို α€žα€”ားၾကင္α€”ာα€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€”ဲα‚• α€α€š္ထစားထုိး ေျပာင္းα€œဲႏိုင္ α€α€š္α€œုိα‚• α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’α€€ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ပါတ α€š္ ။

α€—ုဒၢ α€›ဲα‚• α€…ံα€”α€™ူေတြα€€ို ထတုα€šူျပီး α€€α€œ်ာဏ α€™ိတ္ေဆြေတြျα€–α€…္တဲ့ α€žံဃာေတာ္ေတြ α€›ဲα‚• α€€ူα€Šီ ပံံ့ပိုးα€™ႈα‚• α€œα€™္းျα€•α€Šႊα€”္ၾကားα€™ႈα‚•  ေတြထတိုင္း ၾကိဳးα€…ားေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ α€žြားαΎα€€α€™α€š္ဆိုရင္ α€œူတိုင္း α€œူတိုင္းα€Ÿာ ထဲα€’ီ ေမတၱာတရား ၊ α€žα€Š္းခံျခင္း ၊ α€›α€€္ေα€›ာ ျခင္း ၊ α€žα€”ား ၾကင္α€”ာျခင္း စတဲ့ ( ေα€œာα€€ ေα€€ာင္းα€€်ိဳး ျပဳα€€်င့္α€…α€₯္ ) ေတြα€€ို ထေα€žα€‘α€်ာ α€€်င့္α€žံုး ေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္  ႏိုင္α€™α€š္ ဆိုတာα€€ုိ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’ α€žα€€္၀င္α€žူေတြα€€ α€šံုαΎα€€α€Š္ၾကပါα€α€š္ ။

α€—ုဒၢက α€’ီα€œုိ α€™ိα€”္႕ၾကားျပခဲ့ပါα€α€š္ ။

α€œူα€žားα€€ုိ α€žူα€€ိုα€š္တုိင္α€™ွတစ္ပါး

α€˜α€š္α€žူα€™ွ α€™ေα€…ာင့္ေα€›ွာα€€္၊α€™α€€α€š္ႏိုင္ပါα€˜ူး ။

α€€α€š္တင္ႏိုင္α€žူ ၊α€€α€š္α€™ႏိုင္α€žူ α€›α€š္α€œုိα‚•

တစ္α€…ံုတစ္ေα€šာα€€္α€™ွ α€›ွိα€€ု္ိ α€™α€›ွိပါα€˜ူး ။

α€œူေတြα€Ÿာ α€œα€™္းေα€•αšα€™ွာ α€€ိုα€š္တုိင္ေα€œွ်ာα€€္α€œွα€™္းႏိုင္ရပါα€™α€š္ ။


ေα€œွ်ာα€€္α€›α€™α€š့္ α€œα€™္းα€€ို α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္း

α€Šႊα€”္းဆို ျα€•α€žေပးႏိုင္α€›ံုပါပဲ  တဲ့ ။

( ဓမၼပဒ-၁၆၅)


                 So if Buddhists Don’t Believe In Gods .What Do You Believe In ?

We don’t believe in a god because we believe in man .We believe that each human being is precious and important, that all have the potential to develop  into a Buddha a  perfected human being.We believe that human being  can outgrow ignorance and irrationality and see things as they  really are. We  believe that hatred, anger, spite and jealousy can be replaced by love ,patience , generosity and kindness .

We believe that all  this within the grasph of  each  person if they make the effort ,guided and supported by fellow Buddhists and inspired by the example of the Buddha . As Buddha says ;

“No one can saves us but ourselves,

No one can and no one may .

we ourselves must walk the path,

But Buddha clearly show the way. "

(Dhp V 165)


α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္α€™်ားထေα€”α€”ဲα‚• တစ္ျခား α€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ေတြα€€ုိ α€™ိα€™ိတိုα‚•α€›ဲα‚• α€—ုဒၢ ဓမၼကို α€™ွ်ေ၀ဖုိα‚• ၾကိဳးα€…ားα€žα€„့္ပါα€œား ?

α€Ÿုတ္ပါα€α€š္ ။ထမွα€”္တရားဆို တာ α€™ွ်ေ၀ေပးα€žα€„့္ပါα€α€š္ ။ ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္ထင္ပါα€α€š္ ။ α€—ုα€’αΆα€˜ာα€žာ၀င္ထ α€™်ားα€…ုα€Ÿာ      α€™ွ်ေ၀   ျခင္းα€”ဲα‚• ထဓမၼ ျပ႒ာα€”္း α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေα€…ျခင္း တုိα‚• α€›ဲα‚• မတူ α€€ြဲျပားျခားα€”ားပံုα€€ုိ ေα€€ာင္းေα€€ာင္းα€žေα€˜ာေပါα€€္ ၾက ပါ α€α€š္ ။

α€žα€„့္α€€ုိ α€—ုဒၢ၀ါα€’ ထေၾကာင္း α€œူေတြα€€ေα€™းα€œာရင္ α€žူတုိα‚•α€€ုိ ေျပာα€žာေျပာျပပါ ။  α€žူတုိα‚•α€€ α€™ေα€™းရင္ေတာင္ α€—ုဒၢ α€›ဲα‚•    α€žα€„္ ၾကားခ်α€€္ α€”α€Š္းα€œα€™္းေတြα€€ို  ( α€žူတိုα‚• ထက်ိဳး α€›ွိေα€…α€–ုိα‚• ေစတနာα€”ဲα‚• ) ေျပာα€žα€„့္ရင္ ေျပာα€›α€™ွာပါပဲ ။

ေα€”ာα€€္ထေα€œးထနက္ α€žα€ိျပဳα€›α€™ွာα€€ေတာ့ α€œူေတြα€€ို တရားဓမၼေα€›းα€›ာေတြ α€”ားα€œα€Š္α€žိျမင္ေထာင္ ျα€–α€”္α‚•ေ၀ရာα€™ွာ     ေα€Ÿာေျပာျα€•α€žα€™ႈα‚• α€”α€Š္းထက္  α€œα€€္ေတြα‚•α€€်င့္α€žံုးျα€•α€žျပီး α€‘α€žိα€Šα€္ျα€–α€”္α‚•ေ၀တဲ့ α€”α€Š္းα€€ ပိုα€™ို ထိေα€›ာα€€္ ထက်ိဳးα€›ွိα€α€š္ ဆိုတာပါပဲ ။

တရား ဓမၼ ထေၾကာင္း ၊α€œူေတြα€€ို α€›ွင္းα€œα€„္း α€žα€„္ၾကားျα€•α€žα€›ာα€™ွာ ထစα€₯္α€žျဖင့္ ေα€žα€်ာα€…ြာ ေၾကာင္းα€€်ိဳးဆင္ျခင္α€™ႈα‚• ၊α€žα€”ားၾကင္α€”ာα€™ႈα‚• ၊α€…ိတ္α€›ွα€Š္α€œα€€္α€›ွα€Š္ α€žα€Š္းခံတက္α€™ႈα‚• ၊ေျα€–ာင့္မတ္α€™ႈα‚• α€”ဲα‚• α€›ိိုးα€žားα€α€Š္αΎα€€α€Š္α€™ႈα‚•ေတြα€›ွိပါေα€… ။

ဓမၼ α€‘α€œα€„္းေα€›ာင္ျα€α€Š္α€Ÿာ α€žα€„့္α€›ဲα‚• ထေျပာထဆုိ ၊ထျပဳထမူ α€œုပ္ရပ္ေတြα€”ဲα‚• ေα€›ွα‚•ေျပး ထေα€”α€”ဲα‚• α€œα€„္းα€œα€€္္ေတာα€€္ပႏိုင္  ပါေα€… ။

α€žα€„္ေα€›ာ ကၽြႏ္ုပ္ပါ ဓမၼေα€›းα€›ာေတြα€€ို ေα€€ာင္းα€…ြာ တက္α€žိျပီး ထျα€•α€Š့္ထ၀ α€€်င့္α€žံုးα€™α€š္ ၊တစ္ျခားα€žူေတြα€€ိုα€œα€Š္း α€›ိုးα€žားတဲ့ α€…ိတ္α€”ဲα‚• ေစတနာα€žα€€္α€žα€€္α€”ဲα‚• ျα€–α€”္α‚•ေ၀ေပးα€™α€š္ ဆုိα€œုိα‚•α€›ွိရင္ ကၽြႏု္ပ္ တိုα‚•α€€ိုα€š္တိုင္ α€”ဲα‚•  တစ္ျခား ပုဂၢိဳα€œ္ေတြ ထားα€œံုး ထတြα€€္ ထက်ိဳး ေα€€်းဇူး ထနႏ ၱ α€€ိုα€™α€œြဲα€™ေα€žြ α€›α€›ွိ ႏိုင္ၾကမွာပဲ ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ ။


                                 α€žေα€—αΊα€žα€ၱာေ၀ေα€”α€š်ာ ခ်α€™္းα€žာα€€ိုα€š္α€…ိတ္ျα€™ဲပါေα€… ။


                     Should Buddhists Try To Share The Dhamma With Others ?

Yes,they should .And I think most Buddhists understand the difference between sharing and imposing.  If people ask you about Buddhism ,tell them .You can even tell them  about the Buddha’s teachings without their asking . It is also important to remember that  you let  people know about the Dhamma for more effectively through your actions than through preaching to them .

Show people the Dhamma by always being considerate , kind ,tolerant , upright   and honest .Let the Dhamma Shine forth through your speech and action .

If each of us, you and I , know the it  Dhamma throughly ,practise  it fully and  share it generously with others ,we can be of great   benefit to ourselves and others also .


                                             May  All Beings Be Happy !


                                 Mental Power & Inner Peace Research

                                 International Dhammacakka Foundation

                                 P.O.Box :191,C.P.O,Yangon, Myanmar .