αα½ြα္ααဲα αα္αα္းα်α္α ααီးေαာα္ႏွံα‘α်ဳိα αဲα αူαα္α်α္း ααီးေαာα္ႏွံα‘α်ဳိα α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαးα‘αα္αေျααာေαြ αΎαားေαာ့ αα½ြα္α α
ိα္ αေαာα္းαူး ။ αα½ြα္α αူαြα္αα
္ေαာα္αိုေαာ့ αူαိုααဲα αုαα‘ ေαြ ၊αုα ေαြ αားααα္ေααα့္ αူαိုα α‘αα္αေျααာေαြ αα္αြα့္αΎαေαာ့ αူαိုα α‘αα္α‘αဲ ေαြαုိ αားေαာα္ျαီး αα½ြα္α α
ိα္ေαာαိαα္ ။ αူαိုα α်α
္αုိα αူαုိααူαΎαျαီး αာေαΎαာα့္ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ျαဳျαီးαဲ့ α‘αါαွ α‘α်ားα
ု ေျαာα္းαဲαုα္αΎααဲ ။ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαးαα
္αုαွာ α်α
္αာ αα
္αုαα္းαဲα αျαα့္α
ံုေαးαူးαုိα αα½ြα္αေαာ့ αα္ αα္ ။ αα
္ေαာα္ αဲα αα
္ေαာα္ αားαα္αႈαေαြ ၊ αα္းαံαႈαေαြ ၊ αွာαာေαာα္αားαႈေαြ ၊ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αာ့αα္αုိ α₯ီးေαာα္ႏိုα္ αဲ့ α‘αα္α‘α်α္း ၊α‘αα္α‘ေαြးေαြ αွိαုိα αုိα‘α္αα္ αုိα αα္αα္ ။ αα
္ေαာα္αဲα αα
္ေαာα္ αာα္ αာα ေαြαုိ αα္ႏိုα္αေαာα္ေαွ်ာ့ျαီး ေαးေαးαα α်α
္αα္αα္ ေαးαဲααာ ေααΎααα္αိုαα္ ေα်ာ္αႊα္ ေα‘းα်α္းαဲ့ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αုαုိ αိုα္αိုα္ႏိုα္αွာ ေαα်ာαေαာα္αါαဲ ။ ။
Happy Married Life
Some believe that marriages are made in heaven .But when marriages are badly handled ,they could just as well have been made in hell .
α‘α်ဳိαα αα္αα္ αိα္းျαားျαα္းα်ားαုိ ေαာα္းαα္αံု၌ ျαဳαုα္αΎααα္αု αံုαΎαα္αΎα၏။ αိုαေαာ္ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္αααုိ αံ့α်α္းα
ြာ αိုα္αြα္αွ်α္ αα္αα္αိα္းျαားျαα္းα်ားαုိ ααဲျαα္၌ ျαဳαုα္αဲ့αα္αုαα္း αိုαိုα္αα္ ။
ႈIn a marriage, both the husband and wife must think more of the partnership than they do of themselves . This partnership than they do of themselves .This partnership is an interweaving of interests and sacrifices will have to be made for the sake of both parties. It is from mutual understanding and concern that security and contentment in marriage can be established .
္αုαြα္ αα္αြα္းႏွα့္ααီးαိုααα္ αိαိαိုα αα
ီ၏ αုိα္ေαးαိα
α₯αα္ ααီးေαာα္ႏွံα‘ေαးαုိ αို၍α
ားαΎαααα္ ။ ေαါα္းαα္းαα္αံေαးαြα္ α
ားαႈαα်ားαုိ ေαာαွα္ေαါα္းα
α္၍ ααီးေαာα္ႏွံ ႏွα
္α₯ီးαံုး၏ α‘α်ဳိးα‘αြα္ αα
ီ၏ αုိα္α်ဳိးα်ားαုိ α
ြα္ααႊα္ααα္ ။ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး ၏ αံုျαံဳαႈαႏွα့္ ေαာα့္αဲαα္းαိα္αႈααိုααα္ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ αားαα္αႈα αွα့္ ααုα
ိုα္αႈααိုαα‘ေαααြα္ αူαα္၏ ။
There are no shortcuts to happiness in marriage .No two human beings can possibly live together in an intimate emotional relationship for a long period of time without having some misunderstanding or friction from time to time .
α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαးေα်ာ္αႊα္αႈααုိ ααူαုိαα‘αြα္ ျαα္αα္းα်ားααွိαါ ။αူαားႏွα
္α₯ီးαိုααα္ α‘α်ိα္αာα αွα္α်ားα
ြာ α
ိα္αႈα္αွားαြα္ေαာ αα္αြα္αႈααိုαျαα့္ αα္းႏွီးα
ြာ ေαါα္းαα္းαα္αံαΎααာαြα္ αြဲαွားα
ြာ αားαα္ျαα္းαα့္ αေαာααိုα္αိုα္ျαα္းαိုααα္ αံαα္αံαါ ေααေαါα္αα္ ျαα
္၏ ။
Understanding and tolerance are required to overcome the feelings of jealousy , anger and suspicion. To think that one doesn’t need to adopt a give and take attitude is to presume that love in marriage is just for the asking without any sacrifice on our part .
α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ αားαα္ျαα္းႏွα့္ αα္းαံျαα္းαိုααα္ ααာαုိαႈα ၊α
ိα္αိုးαႈα ႏွα့္ ααံုααၤာ ျαα
္αႈααိုααုိ αြα္းαွα္αုိαα‘αြα္ αုိα‘α္၏ ။ α‘ေαးα‘αူαေαာαားαုိ α်α့္αံုးαα္ααုိ αု αူαျαα္းαα္ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး၌ α‘α်α
္α αုိα္α်ဳိးα
ြα္ααႊα္αႈαααါαဲ ေαာα္းαိုုျαα္း αုိαာ ျαဳαα္αα္ αု αူα αာေαာα္၏ ။
Building a Successful Marriage
Success in marriage is based on compatibility rather than just only finding the right partner . Both partners must try to be the right person by acting out of mutual respect , love and concern for each other . Love is an inner feeling and fulfillment arising from the mutual healthy growth with and for the other person .
ေα‘ာα္ျαα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး αုိαα္ေαာα္ျαα္း
α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး၌ ေα‘ာα္ျαα္αႈααα္ αွα္αα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္αုိ αွာေαြျαα္းα‘ေαα၌αာ αူαα္αα္ααုα္ ၊ αုိα္αα္ေα‘ာα္ေααα္αႈαα‘ေαα၌αα္း αူαα္ေααα္ ။ ααီး ေαာα္ႏွံ ႏွα
္α₯ီးαံုးααα္ αα
္α₯ီး α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ေαးα
ားαႈα ၊ α်α္αα္αΎαα္αာαႈαႏွα့္ α‘ေαးαူαႈααိုααုိ α်α့္αံုးျαα္းျαα့္ αွα္αα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္ျαα
္ေα‘ာα္္ αΎαိဳးα
ားαΎαααα္ ။ α်α
္ျαα္းေααၱာαူαα္ α‘αြα္းαံα
ားα်α္ αα
္၏ ။ αိαိ၏ αααΎαα္ေαာ္α‘αြα္ αΎαα္ေαာ္ႏွα့္α‘αူ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ αα္α
ြာ αြံံαျαိဳးαာေα
ျαα္းαွ ေαါα္αြားαာαα့္ αα
္ေαာα္၌ αိုα‘α္αα္αုိ αα
္ေαာα္α ျαα့္αα္းေαးαα့္ ျαα့္αα္းေαးαႈα αα
္၏ ။
In a successful marriage , a partner must not always try to get things his or her own way . This brings to mind the humorous saying - “Man has his will but woman had her way .” There is only one path to be trodden by both .It may be uneven ,bumpy and sometimes difficult , but it is always a ‘ mutual ’path .
ေα‘ာα္ျαα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αု၌ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္ αα
ီαα္ α‘αာαာαုိ αိαိα‘αုိαႏα΅α‘αိုα္းαာ ျαα
္αုိα α‘ျαဲ ααΎαိဳးα
ားαα့္αါ ။ α€α‘α်α္αα္ α
ိα္ႏွαံုးαုိ αႊα္ျαဴးေα
αα့္ α‘αိုαα
္αα္αုိ ααိαေα
αါαα္ ။ –“ ေαာα်ာ္း α αူααႏα΅ αုိ ααွိျαီး ၊ αိα္းα α αူα၏ αα္းα
α₯္αုိ ααွိ၏ ” ။ ααီး ေαာα္ႏွံႏွα
္α₯ီးαံုး ေαွ်ာα္αြားααα့္αα္းαွာ αα
αα္းαာαွိ၏ ။αုိαα္းαα္ ααီαာαဲ α‘αုα‘αα
္α်ားαွိျαီးαွ်α္ αα
္αံαြα္ ေαွ်ာα္αွα္းαα္ αα္αဲ၏ ။ αိုαေαာ္ αုိαα္းαα္ α‘ျαဲαေα
“ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္αα္း” αာ ျαα
္၏ ။
A happy marriage is not are to exist with eyes closed .We see faults as well as virtues and we should accept the fact that no one is perfect . A husband and wife must learn to share the happiness and pain in their daily lives . Mutual understanding is the secret formula of a happy marriage.Marriage is a blessing, but unfortunately , many people treat it otherwise due to a lack of correct communication and understanding .
ေα်ာ္αႊα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αုαα္ αα½ြႏ္ုα္αုိα α်α္α
ိαွိα္ျαီး α‘αα္αွα္ေαααα့္ α‘αာαα
္αု ααုα္ေα် ။αα½ြႏ္ုα္αုိααα္ α‘ျαα
္α်ားαိုαα္း ျαα္αΎααα္ ၊ αြα္ျαα္αα့္ α‘αα္α‘ေαြးα်ားαုိαα္း ျαα္αΎααα္ ။ ျαီးေαာ့ αα္αူαα
္ေαာα္αွ် αဲαဲα
α္ α‘ျαα
္ααα္းႏိုα္αူေαာ α‘α်α္αုိαα္း αα္αံαΎαααα္ ။ αα္αြα္ႏွα့္ ααီးαိုααα္ αူαုိα၏ေααα
α₯္ααα်ား၌ ေα်ာ္αႊα္αႈααုိေαာ αα္းαဲαႈααုိαါ ေα‘းα‘αူαူα‘αွ် αွ်ေααံα
ားαα္ααα္ ။ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ αားαα္ျαα္းαα္ ေα်ာ္αႊα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αု၏ αွ်ဳိααွα္αံုေααα္း ျαα
္၏ ။ αိα္းျαားျαα္းαα္ ααၤαာαα
္αါ၏ ။ αိုαေαာ္ αံαေαာα္းα
ြာαα္ αူα်ားα
ြာ αိုααα္ αွα္αα္ေαာαα္αြα္αႈαႏွα့္ αားαα္αႈααုိα ααွိαα့္α‘αြα္ αိα္းျαားျαα္းαုိ α‘ααၤαာαု αα္αွα္αΎα၏ ။
Most of the marital troubles and worries which normally arise are due to an unwillingness of one partner to compromise and to practice patience with the other . The golden rule to avoid a minor misunderstanding being blown out of proportion is to practice patience, tolerance and understanding .
္ေααေα့αွိေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး αα္းαဲαုαα‘α်ားႏွα့္ α
ိုးαိα္ေαΎαာα့္αΎααႈαα်ားαα္ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ αုိα္ေα်ာαα္ႏွα့္ αα္းαံαြα့္αႊα္αႈααုိ α်α့္αံုးαα္ α‘αုိαႏα΅ ααွိျαα္းေαΎαာα့္ ေααေαါα္αာαΎααα္ ။ α‘ေαးα‘αြဲ ααြဲ αားαα္αႈααွααα့္ αΎαီးαြားေαာ ျαႆαာ αα
္αု α‘ျαα
္αိုိα αေαာα္αα္ αားαီးေαးႏိုα္ေαာ ေαႊα
α္းαα္းαွာ α
ိα္αွα္ျαα္း ၊αα္းαံျαα္း ႏွα့္ αားαα္ျαα္း αိုααုိ α်α့္αံုးαα္ျαα
္၏ ။
Human beings are emotional and hence are liable to get into tantrums which lead them to be angry . Husbands and wives should do their utmost for both not to be angry at the same times. This is a golden rule for the for a happy married life . If both parties are not angry at the same time , problems can easily be resolved by adopting the noble spirit of patience, tolerance and understanding.
αူαားαုိααα္ α
ိα္αႈα္αွားαြα္αΎααျαα့္ α‘αြα္ααူေαါααြα္αာ αုα္းαိုα္းαΎαဲαα္αΎα၏ ။ ααီးေαာα္ႏွံα်ား αα္ ႏွα
αံုး αα
္ျαိဳα္αα္ α
ိα္ααိုးαΎααα္ α‘αα္ႏိုα္αံုးαΎαိဳးα
ားαΎαααα္ ။ α€α‘α်α္αα္αα္း ေα်ာ္αႊα္ ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αုα‘αြα္ ေαႊα
္αα္ ။ ႏွα
αံုးα αα
ိα္ααိုးαΎααွ်α္ α
ိα္αွα္ ျαα္း ၊αα္းαံျαα္း ႏွα့္ αားαα္ျαα္းαူαα့္ ျαα့့္ျαα္ေαာ α
ိα္αာα္αုိ α်α့္αံုးျαα္းျαα့္ ျαႆαာα်ားαုိ α‘αြα္ααူ ေျααွα္းႏိုα္αα္ ။
The husband should treat his wife with respect , understanding and consideration and not as servant nor as a doll in his hands . Although he may be regarded as the breadwinner of a family ,it is also his duty to help his wife with the household work whenever he is free.
αα္αြα္းαα္ αိαိ၏ααီးα‘ား ေαးα
ားαႈα ၊αားαα္αႈα ၊ေαာα္αားα
ာαာαႈααိုααွα့္ αα္αံααα္။ αိαိαα္αြα္αွိ ေαာ α‘αုα္αα
္αု (αိုα) α‘ေα
αံαဲ့αိုα ααα္αံαα့္ေα် ။αူαα္ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα
္αု၏ α
ားαα္ေαေαး α‘αြα္ ေαြαွာေαးααူျαα
္αα္αု αူααားေαာ္αα္း αူαα‘ားαα္αα့္္ α‘αါαိုα္း α‘ိα္αြα္းαႈαα‘αုα္αုိ αα္αုα္ေαးျαα္းαူ ေαာ ααီးα‘ား αူαီေαးααα့္αာαα္αα္းαွိαါαα္ ။
The wife, on the other hand,should not always nag or grumble at her husband over trivial matters , If he really has certain shortcomings ,she should try to talk with him and correct him in a gentle manner .A spouse should try to tolerate and handle many things without bothering the partner, especially when there are problems affecting one’s career .
္αα္αြα္ ααီးαα္ αိαိ၏αα္αြα္းα‘ား α‘ေαးα‘αြဲαိα
α₯α်ားႏွα့္ αα္αα္၍ α‘ျαဲαားαူαားαာျαဳαုα္ျαα္း (αိုα) αေα်ααα္ αα္းαဴျαα္း αုိ ေαွာα္αΎαα₯္ααα္ ။ α‘αα္၍ αα္αြα္း၌ αα
္αုေαာ αα½ြα္αြα္းα်α္ α‘αွα္ ααα္αွိαွ်α္ αူααα္ αα္αာေαာ α‘αူα‘αာျαα့္ αα္αြα္းα‘ား α‘α်ဳိးα‘ေαΎαာα္း ေျαာαိုျαီး α‘αွα္ျαα
္ေα‘ာα္ ျαဳ ျαα္ေαးαα့္αα္ ။ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္αα
္α₯ီးαα္ α‘ျαားαα
္α₯ီးα‘ား α
ိα္α‘ေႏွာα့္α‘αွα္ αျαα
αဲ αα္းαံ၍ α‘αာ α်ားα
ြာ αုိαုα္ေαာα္αြား၏ ။ α‘αူးαျαα့္ αိαိ၏ α‘αα္ေαြးαα္းေαΎαာα္းαုိ αိαိုα္ေα
αα့္ ျαႆαာα်ားαွိαα့္ α‘ αါ αုိαိုαေαာα္αြα္α၏ ။
If one is inclined towards jealousy, one must try to restrain suspicions over the partner’s movements since they may not at all be justifiable .In Buddhism ,mutual respect and trust are of paramount importance in a happy union .
α‘αα္၍ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္αα
္α₯ီးα ααာαုိαႈα ျαα
ိα္αိα္းαြα္ေααွ်α္ αိαိαΎαα္ေαာ္၏α‘ျαဳα‘αူα်ားα‘ေαα αံαααျαα
္αα္ α
ိα္α်ဳα္αိ္α္းααα္ ။ α‘αα္ေαΎαာα့္αုိေαာ္ αိαိα‘ေαα‘α်ာααိαဲ αံααα
ိα္ျαα့္ α
ြဲျαα္းαα္ αααားαာ ေαာα္၏ ။ αုααΆαာαာαြα္ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ ေαးα
ားαႈα ႏွα့္ αံုαΎαα္αႈααိုααα္ ေα်ာ္αႊα္α
ြာ ေαါα္းαα္းαα္ αံαႈαα‘αြα္ α‘αြα္α‘ေαးαΎαီးေαΎαာα္း αα္αွα္αား၏ ။
Sex In Marriage
Sex should be given its due place in a happy marriage .Like fire ,sex is a good servant but can be a bad master . It should neither be unhealthy repressed nor morbidly exaggerated . The desire for sex, like any other emotion , must be regulated by reason .
α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαး αြα္ αိα္ ၏ αα
ေα်ာ္αြα္ေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαးαα
္αုαြα္ αိα္ αိα
α₯αုိαα္း ၎၏ αုိα္αα့္ေαာ ေααာαုိ ေαးα၏ ။ αီးαဲ့αိုααα္ αိα္αα္ ေαာα္းေαာ α‘ေα
αံ αα
္ေαာ္αα္း αုိးေαာ α‘ေα
္α₯ီး αα္း ျαα
္αာႏိုα္၏ ။၎ αုိ α်α္း αာေαး αိαုိα္ေαာα္ေα‘ာα္αα္း ααိႏွိα္αားαα့္αါ ။ ေαΎαာα္αα္αြα္αာ ေαာα္းေα‘ာα္αα္း αံုαΎαီးαα်ဲααα့္αါ ။ αိα္αံα
ားαုိေαာ αႏα΅ αုိ α‘ျαားα
ိα္αႈα္αွားαႈα αဲ့αိုααα္ α်ဳိးေαΎαာα္းαα္ျαα္αႈαျαα့္ αိα္းα်ဳα္ေαးααα္ ။
Although it is an important element in the happiness of most married couples, it is necessary to realise that one can be happy without giving sex a paramount role . On the other hand, one can have a good sex life and still be unhappy. Real love is not just physical : it is spiritual communion , a meeting of minds .
αα္αα္ျαီးေαာ ေαာα္ႏွံα‘α်ားα
ု၏ ေα်ာ္αႊα္αႈα၌ αိα္αα္ α‘ေαးαΎαီးေαာ α‘αာαα
္ αါαα္ေαာ္αα္း αိα္αုိ α‘αိαေααာ၌ ααားαဲႏွα့္αα္း ေαာα္ႏွံαα
ံု ေα်ာ္αြα္ႏိုα္ေαΎαာα္းαုိ αိαားαα္ αုိα‘α္αါαα္ ။ α‘ျαားαα
္ αα္αြα္ αိα္ αα္αံαႈααုိ ေαာα္းα
ြာ αံα
ားααါေαာ္αα္း αေα်ာ္αြα္αΎαေαာ ေαာα္ႏွံ α်ားα
ြာαα္းαွိαΎααါαα္ ။ α
္αွα္ေαာ α်α
္ျαα္းေααၱာαα္ αုα္αိုα္းαα္αα္αွ်αာααုα္ ၊ α
ိα္αိုα္းαိုα္αာ ေαါα္းαα္းαα္αံျαα္း ၊ α
ိα္ α
ိα္ α်α္း αံုေαြαျαα္းαα္း ျαα
္ေα၏ ။
Sex is much more than the physical gratification of desires .It is the basis for an intimate life-long companionship . Down through the ages , love and mutual respect have been shown to be the basis for close intimacy between the sexes
αိα္ αα္ α‘αိုαႏα΅α်ား၏ αုα္αိုα္းαိုα္αာ ေα်αα္ႏွα
ျαα္းαα္ α်ားα
ြာ αိုαြα္αါαα္ ။ αိα္ αα္ αα္းႏွီးေαာ αα
္αα္αာ ေαါα္းαα္ျαα္း၏ α‘ေျααံျαα
္၏ ။ ေαα္α‘αα္αα္ αူαααိုα္းαα
္ေαွ်ာα္αံုးαြα္ α‘α်α
္ ၊ေααၱာ ႏွα့္ α‘ျαα္α‘αွα္ေαးα
ားαႈααိုααα္ αိα္ααူαူα်ားα‘αΎαား၌ αီးαα္α
ြာ αα္းႏွီးα်α
္αα္αႈα၏ α‘ေျααံျαα
္ေαΎαာα္း ေαααြα္αα္αွားေααါαα္ ။
Dr.Helen Kaplan of Cornell Medical Center says that without intimacy there can be no real love.Her definition of intimacy is the sharing of feelings, not information. Couples who are not intimate will tend to talk of frivolous subjects like the weather , the latest TV shows or what to eat for dinner . They never make it a point to let each other know if they are really happy ,unhappy ,frightened , worried or any other such intimate feelings .They are also not interested to know how their partner really feels .
α‘ေααိαα္ ျαα္ေαာα္α
ု ေαာ္αဲα္ေαးαါးααိုαာααွ ေαါα္αာ αဲαα္းαα္ααα္ α αα္းႏွီးα်α
္αα္αႈαααွိαွ်α္ α
္ααွိ αု ေျαာαိုαဲ့၏ ။ αα္းαွီးα်α
္αα္αႈα αိုαα္αွာ ααα္းα
αားα်ားαုိ αွ်ေαျαα္းααုα္αဲ αံα
ားαႈαα်ား αုိ αွ်ေαျαα္းျαα
္ေαΎαာα္း αူααိုαုိ၏ ။ ααα္းႏွီးαΎαေαာ ေαာα္ႏွံα
ံု αိုααα္ αိုးေααα ၊ ေαာα္αံုး αုα္ျαα္αံαΎαား αာα္αα္းα်ား αိုαααုα္ αα
ာα‘αြα္ αာα
ားαΎααα္ α
αα့္ αိα္α်α္းေαါ့αα္ေαာ α‘ေαΎαာα္းα‘αာα်ားαုိ ေျαာ αုိေα့αွိαΎα၏ ။αူαိုαα‘αွα္ααα္ ေα်ာ္αႊα္ααား ၊ αေα်ာ္αႊα္αူးαား၊ ေαΎαာα္αြααααား ၊α
ိုးαိα္ααား ( αိုα) α€ αိုα α‘ျαားαα္းႏွီးαα့္ αံα
ားαႈαα်ား α
αα္ αိုααုိ αα
္ေαာα္ α‘αိေαးαΎααα္ αα့္αα့္α‘αါαွ် αα္αြα္α်α္ ααားαΎααါ ။ αူαိုααα္ αူαိုααααΎαα္ေαာ္α α‘αွα္ααα္ αα္αိုα αံα
ားေαααα္αုိαα္း α
ိα္ ααα္α
ားαΎααါ ။
The married couple should make every effort to cultivate the timeless virtues of chastity , fidelity and decency .Real growth only comes through the development of these virtues . None can repeal the cosmic moral law of cause and effect , of the lasting unity of all human beings .
ံုα်ားαα္ α‘α်ိα္α‘αα္αα‘αα္ααွိ ေαာα္းαြα္αα့္ αုα္α‘αα္α‘ေαြးα်ားျαα
္αΎαေαာ α‘α်α့္ αီααွိျαα္းαွα့္ αα့္αα့္ေα်ာα္αα္α
ြာ ေααိုα္αα္ျαα္း αိုααုိ ျαဳα
ုα်ဳိးေαာα္αုိα αΎαိဳးαα္းαΎααα့္αΎα၏ ။ α
္αွα္ ေαာ αြံαျαိဳးαိုးαα္αႈααα္ α€α‘αα္α‘ေαြးα်ား ၏αြံαျαိဳးαိုးαα္αႈααွαα
္αα့္αာαွ်α္ ေαααြα္αာႏိုα္၏။ αူαား α‘ားαံုးαိုα၏ αာαα αα္ျαဲေαာ α
α္းαံုးαႈααုိ αα္ေαာα္ေαးα‘αြα္ α‘ေαΎαာα္းαွα့္ α‘α်ဳိး ေαα α‘ေျαျαဳ αα့္ α
αΎαာαα ာ αုိα္α်α့္ααား αိαာα αုိ αα္αွားαုိα္αုိααααါ ။
The hope of personal growth and harmony in society lied in the recognition of the basic law , rather than surrendering oneself to base and coarse animal instincts which only bring suffering to those whom we dearly love . Self respect , human dignity or humane qualities are eroding in modern society.
αုαၢαိα αြံαျαိဳးαΎαီးαြားαႈα ႏွα့္ αူαေαာα္α‘αြဲαα‘α
α္းα‘αြα္း αီαြα္αႈααိုαα‘αြα္ ေαွ်ာ္αα့္α်α္αα္ α€ α‘ေျααံ αုိα္α်α့္ααား αိαာα αုိ α‘αိα‘αွα္ျαဳျαα္းေαα၌ αူαα္၏ ။ αိαိαုိα္αို αုα္ααΎαα္းေαာ αိαα
ာα¦α္ααာα α‘αိα်ားαိုα αα္ေျαွာα္α‘αံႈးေαးျαα္းα‘ေαα၌ αူααα္αါ ။ α€ αိαα
ာα¦α္ ααာα α‘αိα်ားαα္ αα½ြႏ္ုα္αုိα ႏွα
္αာ αာ α်α
္αα္ေαာ αူαုိαα‘ားαα္းαဲαုαα‘ αုိαာ αိုးαြားေα
αါαα္ ။ ေαα္αα
α္း၌ αိαိαုိα္αုိ αိုးαားေαးα
ားαႈα ၊αူαား αုα္αိαα‘ာႏွα့္ αΎαα္αာαα္ေαာ α‘αα္α‘ေαြးေαာα္းα်ားαα္ αိုαြα္းα်α္α
ီးαွ်α္ αွိαΎααα္ ။
Who are civilised ? The traditional way of dressing among the women of a hill tribe was to leave the upper part of their bodies bare . They did not draw any attention among their men who went about their daily duties as they had been doing for generations .
αα္αူေαြαို၍ αα₯္ေα်းααα္း ။ ။ ေαာα္ေαα αူα်ဳိးႏြα္α
ု αα
္αုαွ α‘α်ဳိးααီးα်ားαα္ αိαိαိုα၏ αုိα္ α‘αα္αိုα္းα်ားαုိ ααာα်α္း၍ αα္αα္ေα့αွိαΎααα္ ။α€αိုααα္αα္ျαα္းျαα့္ αူαုိαα‘α်ဳိးαားα်ား၏ α‘ာαံုαုိ αြဲေαာα္αႈα αျαဳαΎααါ α‘α်ဳိးαားα်ားαα္ αူαိုα၏ α်ုဳိးαα္α်ားα
ြာα ေαာα်ာ္းα်ား ျαဳαူαΎααα့္α‘αုိα္းαα္ αူ αုိα၏ ေααα
α₯္αာαα္α်ားαုိ αα္းေαာα္αα္း αြားαာေααΎααα္ ။
However when they were about to be visited by some officials undertaking a study on their way of life, the young girls were told by their chieftain to hide themselves . They were safe among the men of their tribe , but there was no telling what the so called educated men from the civilized world would do to them .
αိုαေαာ္ျαားαα္း αူαိုα၏ ααေααα္းαုိ ေα့αာαΎααα့္ α‘αာαွိ α‘α်ဳိααိုα α‘αα္α‘αα္ αာေαာα္αΎααα့္α‘ ေαΎαာα္းαုိ αΎαားαိαေαာα‘αါ αူαိုα၏α‘αΎαီးα‘αဲαα္ α‘α်ဳိးααီးαα္α်ားαုိ αုα္းαြα္ေααΎααα္ α‘αိα္αေαး αုိα္၏ ။α€α‘α်ဳိးααီးαα္ αိုααα္ αူαုိαα်ဳိးႏြα္α
ု ေαာα်ာ္းα်ားα‘αΎαား၌ αံုျαံဳαΎααါαα္ ။ αိုαေαာ္ αα₯္ေα်း ေαာααာα»αွ ααာαα္ αုαၢိဳα္α်ားαု ေαααိုαΎαေαာ ေαာα်ာ္းα်ားα αူαိုαα‘ား αာျαဳαုα္αΎααα္αုိ αေျαာ ႏုိα္αါ ။ αိုααုိαွ်α္ αα္αူαုိαα αို၍αα₯္ေα်းαΎααါααα္း ။
The tendency of people today towards an overdependency and obssession with sex can be a cause for alarm . Our forefathers erected a veil of secrecy and hypocrisy around the subject and it is well that the veil has for the most part been torn down. But when sex becomes glorified and sensationalised like the way it is done today , it hinders the development of higher values in society .
αိα္α‘ေαααြα္ αြα္αဲα
ြာ αα္αွီ ေαျαα္းαွα့္ αိα္ αိုα
ြဲαα္းျαα္းαီαိုα αေαααူαိုα αုိα္းαြα္ေαျαα္းαα္ αိα္αα္ααြα္αာ α‘ေαΎαာα္းαα
္၏ ။αα½ြႏု္α္αိုα၏ αုိးေαးαီαα္α်ားαα္ αိα္α‘ေαΎαာα္းαုိ αွ်ဳိααွα္αားαα္ ႏွα့္ αူေαာ္ေαာα္းαα္α
ြာ ျαဳαူαΎααα္αူαα့္ α်α္ႏွာαႊားαာαုိ αႊα့္αူαဲ့αΎα၏ ။ ααုα‘αါ αုိα်α္ႏွာαႊားαာαုိ α‘αုα္αီးαါး αုα္ျαဲαြဲα်αုိα္ေαျαီ ။ αိုαေαာ္ αေαα αူαုαα္αြα္ေαးα
္ျαα့္ αိα္αုိ α်ီးα်ဳးαုα္αα္ျαα္း ၊αႈα္αႈα္αြαြ ျαα
္ေα‘ာα္ αိုα္αႈα္ျαα္းα်ား ျαဳαုα္ေααွ်α္ αူαေαာα္α‘αြဲαα‘α
α္း၌ ျαα့္αားေαာαα္αုိးα်ား αြံαျαိဳးαိုးαα္ αႈααုိ αα္ααားαာေαာα္၏ ။
The mass media particularly has exploited , the erotic side of life so enticingly and successfully that humanity is bombarded sick by a ceaseless barrage of sexual stimulation from every side . The way how they organise their way of life is to show others that the sex life is the most important aspect in human life and to neglect all the other important duties and responsibilites .
ာ ၊ α်ာαα္ ၊ αုα္ျαα္αံαΎαား ၊ေααီαို α
ေαာ αူαုαα္αြα္ေαးα
္α်ားαα္ αα၏ ααွာαာα ααΎαြ ေα
ေαာαα္αုိ α‘αူးαျαα့္ α
ြဲαα္αြα္αာ ေα‘ာα္ျαα္α
ြာ ααြဲα‘αံုးα်αွ်α္αွိαာ αူαားαα္ αိα္ ႏိႈးαြျαα္းαူαα့္ α်α္αα္α်ားႏွα့္ αα္α
ံုαွ α‘αα္αျαα္ ααα
α္ α
္αα္αံေαα၏ ။ αူαိုααααα္းα
α₯္αုိ αူαိုα α‘αα္αိုα α
α₯္ ေαာα္αြα္ေααΎαααα္း ။ αိα္αααα္ αူααα၏ α‘ေαးαΎαီးα့ုး αႈαေαာα့္ ျαα
္αα္αုိ αူαα
္αါးαိုα α‘ား ျαααα္ႏွα့္ α‘ျαားα‘ေαးαΎαီးαα့္αာαα္ααၱαားα်ားαုိ α်α
္α်ဳαႈααΎααα္ αုိα္αြα္းαိုα α
α₯္ေααΎαျαα္းαာ ျαα
္၏ ။
Having a good marriage
The Buddha says that a marriage between a bad husband and a bad wife is like a dead body existing with another dead body.Marriage between a bad man and a good woman is like a dead body ,existing with an angel. Married life between a good man and a bad woman is like an angel living with a dead body.Married life between a good man and a goof women is like an angel living with another angel .
α‘ိα္ေαာα္α‘α်ဳိးα်ဳိး ႏွα့္ αα္αα္၍ ျαα္α
ြာαုαားα€αိုααိα္αေαာ္αူ၏ “ αိုးေαာαα္αြα္း ႏွα့္ αိုးေαာ ααီးαုိα၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္ αူေαေαာα္αα
္αု α α‘ျαား αူေαေαာα္αα
္αုႏွα့္ αွα₯္αြဲαα္αα္ေαျαα္းαွα့္ αူ၏ ။αိုးေαာ αα္αြα္း ႏွα့္ေαာα္းေαာ ααီးαုိα ၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္ αူေαေαာα္αα
္αုαွα့္ αα္αိαα္ αα
္α₯ီးαိုα αွα₯္αြဲ αα္αα္ ေαျαα္းႏွα့္ αူ၏ ။ ေαာα္းေαာαα္αြα္း ႏွα့္ αိုးေαာααီးαိုα ၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ေαးαα္ αα္αားαα
္α₯ီးα αူေα ေαာα္αα
္αုႏွα့္ αွα₯္αြဲေααိုα္ျαα္း ႏွα့္αူ၏ ။ေαာα္းေαာ αα္αြα္း ႏွα့္ ေαာα္းေαာ ααီး αိုα၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္αα္ αα္αား ႏွα့္ αα္αိαα္ αုိα αွα₯္αြဲ ေααိုα္ျαα္း ႏွα့္ αူ၏ ” ။
Monainge jokes about married life by saying : ‘ A goof marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband ’. ( The wife will not see the man’s weakness and the husband will not hear her nagging.)
αα္αα္αားေαာαααုိ ျαα္αα
္ααာαွα္ αြα္αိα္း α α€αိုαျαα္αα္ျαဳαား၏ – “ေαာα္းေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ αα
္αု αိုαα္αွာ α်α္α
ိαα္းေαေαာ ααီးႏွα့္ αားαα္းေαေαာ αα္αြα္းαိုα၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္ျαα
္၏ ” (ααီးα αα္αြα္း၏ α‘ားαα္း α်α္α်ားαုိ αျαα္ႏိုα္ ၊ αα္αြα္းααα္း ααီး၏ αားαူαားαာ ျαဳαုα္αα္αုိ ααΎαားႏိုα္။ )
According to a certain religion , a man may marry more than one wife , wife other religions restrict marriage to one man and one wife . As far ad Buddhism is concerned, marriage is a matter of personal choice and people are also subject to laws of the country they live in. Even in countries where polygamy is permissible , there is enough evidence to show that a man having more than one wife will only invite more worries and burdens throughout his life .
္α်ဳိαေαာ αာαာααားα‘α ေαာα်ာ္းαα
္ေαာα္αα္ααား αα
္α₯ီးαα္αို၍ αα္αα္αိုα္၏ ။α‘ျαားေαာ αာαာααားα်ားα ေαာα်ာ္း αα
္ေαာα္αα္ ααီးαα
္α₯ီးαာ αူααα္αု αိα္းျαားျαα္းαုိ αα္ααα္αားαΎα၏။ αုααΆαာαာ၌αူ αိα္းျαားျαα္းαα္ αုαၢိဳα္ αα
ီα ေαြးα်α္αိုα္αြα့္ αွိေαာαိα
္၏ ။ αုိαျαα္ αူαုိααα္ αိαိ αုိα ေααုိα္αာ αိုα္αံ၏ ααားα₯αေαα်ားαုိ αα္း αုိα္αာαΎαα၏။ ေαာα်ာ္းαα
္α₯ီးαုိ ααီးαα
္α₯ီးαα္ αို၍αူαြα့္ျαဳ ေαာႏိုα္αံα်ား၌ αα္αွ်α္ ααီးαα
္ေαာα္αα္αုိ၍ αူေαာα‘α်ဳိးαားαα္ αူ၏ αααα
္ေαွ်ာα္αံုးαြα္ α
ိုးαိα္ αူαα္αႈαα်ားႏွα့္ αα္αိုးαα္αုα္α်ားαုိαာ αို၍ ေαြααΎαံဳαေαΎαာα္းαုိ ေαာ္ျααα္ αα္ေα α‘αံုα‘ေαာα္αွိαါαα္ ။
Most of us already have more than enough troubles.Instead of overcoming them many people go out looking for some more troubles .
αα½ြႏု္α္αိုα α‘α်ားα
ုαα္ αα္းαဲαုαα‘α်ားαုိ αံုေαာα္αα္αα္αα္ αုိαို၍ααွိαားျαီးျαα
္αα္ ။α€αα္းαဲ αုαα‘α်ားαုိ ေα‘ာα္ျαα္ေα်ာ္αႊားႏိုα္ေα‘ာα္ αΎαိဳးα
ား αူα်ားα
ြာαုိααα္ ေαာα္αα္ αုαα‘α်ားαုိαြα္αွာေααΎααα္ ။
One head and two wives. There was once an elderly man who was not satisfied with the one wife to whom he had been married for some years .He decided to take on a second wife who was charming and beautiful .Now this second wife felt rather embarrassed to be seen with such an old man . So in order to make him look young, she spent a lot of time plucking out all the grey hairs that had appeared on his head .
္ေαာα္ ။ ။ αα
္αါαုα္းα α‘αα္α‘αြα္αΎαီးေαာ ေαာα်္ားαα
္ေαာα္αα္ ႏွα
္ α‘ေαာ္αΎαာေα‘ာα္ αူαα္αα္αဲ့αα့္ ααီးαα
္ေαာα္ႏွα့္ αေα်ααα္ ျαα
္αာ၏။αုိαေαΎαာα့္ αူ αα္ αြဲေαာα္ αႈααွိျαီးαွαေαာ αုαိαααီးαုိ αူαα္ αံုးျαα္αိုα္၏ ။ ααု α€αုαိαααီးαα္ α‘ိုαα္းေαာαα္αြα္းႏွα့္ α‘αူ αွα₯္αြားααα္αုိ αွα္αုိးαွα္αα္းျαα
္၏ ။ αုိαေαΎαာα္ ့αα္αြα္းα‘ား αα္αြα္αူαα
္α₯ီးαဲ့αိုα α‘αြα္ေαါα္ေα‘ာα္ αα္αြα္းα₯ီးေαါα္း၌αွိေαာ αံαα္ျαဴα်ားα‘ားαံုးαုိ α
ိα္αွα္αα္αွα္ αြဲႏႈα္ေα၏ ။
when his first wife noticed this ,she began to pull out his black hairs one by one, hoping to make him appear older. This contest between the two of them went on and in the end ,the man became completely bald with neither a single grey hair nor black hair on his head .
α€α‘α်α္းα‘αာαုိ αΎαα့္α်α္းα‘ားျαα့္ αααααီးα ျαα္ααα့္α‘αါ αူααα္αြα္း αူαΎαီးးα‘αြα္ေαါα္ေα‘ာα္ αူ၏αံαα္αα္းα်ားαုိ αα
္ေα်ာα္းျαီး αα
္ေα်ာα္း αြဲႏႈα္ေα၏ ။α€ααီးႏွα
္α₯ီးα‘αΎαား ျαိဳα္αိုα္αႈααα္ αα္αα္ျαα
္αြားေααာ ေαာα္αံုး၌αα္αြα္း၏ α₯ီးေαါα္းαα္၌αα္း αံαα္ျαဴαα္း αα
္α်ာα္းαွ်ααွိ ၊αံαα္αα္း αα္း αα
္ေα်ာα္းαွ်ααွိ ၊ ေαါα္းαံုး αိα္ေျαာα္ ျαα
္αြားေα၏ ။
Ladies attach a lot of importance to birthdays and anniversaries .Caring husbands should remember these dates and should never be too busy to keep love alive with little tributes and attention . Little acts of attention such as these show the person you love that you are thinking of her that you want to please her, that her happiness and welfare are very neat and dear to your heart .
αုα္αေααွိ α‘α်ဳိးααီးα်ားαα္ ေαြးေααα်ား ႏွα့္ ႏွα
္αα္αα္ α‘αိα္းα‘αွα္α်ားαုိ α‘ေαးααΎαီး αားαΎα၏ ။ ααု α
ိုα္αα္ေαာ αα္αြα္းα်ားαα္ α€αα္α
ြဲα်ားαုိ ααိααα့္၏ ။ αုိαα‘ျαα္ αα္αွ်αα္ α‘αုα္α်ားαα္ျαα
α€ေααα်ားαြα္ αိαိαိုα၏ ααီးα်ားα‘ား α‘αα္းαα္αွ်ေαာ α်ီးα်ဳးαုα္ျαဳျαα္း ၊ α‘ာαံုα
ိုα္ျαα္းαိုαျαα့္ α‘α်α
္ေααၱာ αွα္αα္ေααုိαα‘ေαး ေαေαာα္းေαးααα္ ၊ αုα္ျαဳေαးααα္ ။ α€αိုαေαာ ααဳα
ိုα္αႈα αုိ ေαာ္ျααα့္ α‘ျαဳα‘αူေαးα်ားαα္ αα္α်α
္ေαာαုαၢိဳα္α‘ား αူαα‘ေαΎαာα္း αα္α
ားေααα္ αူαα‘ား αα္ေα်αα္ေα်ာ္αႊα္ေα
αုိαα္ ။ αူα၏ α်α္းαာေαာα္းα
ားေαးαα္ αα္၏ ႏွαံုးαားႏွα့္ αီးαα္α
ြာ ျαα္ႏိုးα
ြာ αα္αွိαα္ α
αα္ αုိααုိ ေαာ္ျαေαးျαα္းျαα
္αα္ ။
Wives do appreciate such little acts of attention such as these from their courteous husbands and it is this life long goodwill that keeps the home fires burning . Little acts of love such as these are the bottom of most marital happiness .
ααီးα်ားαα္ αူααုိα၏ ေαာα္αားα
ာαာαα္αα့္ αα္αြα္းα်ားαံαွ α€αိုαေαာ ααုα
ိုα္ေαΎαာα္း α‘ျαဳα‘αူα ေαးα်ားαုိ ႏွα
္αα္ αေαာα်αΎααါαα္ ။ αုိαα‘ျαα္ α€αိုαေαာ αα
္αα္αာ α
ိα္ေαာα္း ေα
ααာေαာα္းα်ားα α‘ိα္၏ αီးαုိαုိ αα္αα္ေαာα္ေαာα္ေαေα
ျαီး α‘ိα္ေαာα္αုိ ေႏြးေαြးေα
αါαα္ ။ α€αိုαေαာ α်α
္ ေααၱာ α‘ျαဳα‘αူαေαးα်ားαα္ ေα်ာ္αႊα္αာαာေαာ α‘ိα္ေαာα္α‘α်ားα
ု ၏ ေα‘ာα္ေျααြα္ αα္αွိαΎααါαα္ ။
Married couples today can regulate the size of their family through proper family planning .Wise couples should plan their families according to their incomes and capabilities . There is no reason for Buddhists to oppose contraception and the practice of birth control which prevent the fertilization of the ovum .
αေαααα္αα္ျαီး ααီးေαာα္ႏွံα
ံုαိုααα္ αα့္ေαာ္ေαာ αိαားα
ု α
ီαံαိα္းျαα့္ αိαိαိုα၏ α‘ိα္ေαာα္α
ုα‘αြα္ αုိ αိα္းႏိုα္၏ ။ αα္α‘ေျαာ္α‘ျαα္αွိαΎαေαာ ေαာα္ႏွံα
ံုα်ားαα္ αူαိုα၏αα္ေαြα်ားႏွα့္ α
ြα္းαα္α်ားα‘αုိα္ αားααီး αα္ႏွα
္ေαာα္ αူαα္ α
αα္ျαα့္ αိαိαုိα၏ αိαားα
ု α်ားαုိ αΎαိဳαα္α
ီαံαα့္αα္ ။ αုααΆαာαာαα္α်ားα‘αုိα ααိαေႏαΆαားျαα္းႏွα့္ αေႏαΆααα္ေα‘ာα္ α‘αာα‘αြα္α်ားαံုးျαα္းαုိ αα္αα်α္αα္ α‘ေαΎαာα္းααွိαါ ။αေႏαΆαားျαα္း αα္ α‘αα်ဳိးα₯ αုိ α်ဳိးαေα‘ာα္ αားαီးျαα္းαာျαα
္αα္ ။
However , once the embryo is formed , it must be allowed to take its full course during the pregnancy. Buddhism doesn’t support nor condone the act of abortion which constitutes an act of killing .
αိုααါေαာ္αα္း α‘α α်ဳိးα₯ ေα‘ာα္၍ αေႏαΆαားျαα
္αြားαα္ ႏွα့္ αα
္ျαိဳα္αα္ α‘αα္αွိαာျαီျαα
္၍ αေႏαΆαα္ျαα္း αုိ ျαα့္α
ံုျαီးေျαာα္αα္ α‘αိ αြα့္ျαဳααα္ျαα
္၏ ။ αေႏαΆαုိ α်α္αွ်α္ αူαα
္α₯ီးαုိ αα္αာေαာα္၏ ။ αုိαေαΎαာα့္ αါαာαိαါαာαံαုိ α်ဳးαြα္αာ ေαာα္ေαာ αေႏαΆα်α္ျαα္း α‘ျαဳα‘αူ αုိ αုααΆαာαာα αေαာα္αံαα့္α‘ျαα္ αြα့္αα္းααႊα္ႏိုα္αါ ။
Marriage resembles a pair of scissors joined together so that they cannot be separated . Often they move on in opposite directions . But woe betide anyone who comes between them . The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it .
္αုαα္ αα္ေαΎαးαα
္αα္၏ αα္ႏွα
္αα္αုိ α‘αα္၌ α်ဳα္αိα္းαားαα္ႏွα့္ αူ၏ ။ αူαိုα αြဲαြာαြား၍αα ။αူαိုααα္ αα္αα်α္αα္α‘αα္α်α္ႏွာα်ားαိုα ေααၱαြာαြα္αြားαΎαေαာ္αα္း ျαα္ေα
့αာαα့္α‘αါ αူαိုαα‘αΎαား၌ ေαာα္αာေαာα‘αာαုိ αုိα္ျαα္αာေαာ့၏ ။ αိုαα‘αူ ααီးေαာα္ႏွံ αွα
္α₯ီး α‘αΎαားαိုααα္ေαာα္αာαူαိုααα္αα္း αေαာα္းေαာ αံαΎαααΌာαုိ αΎαံဳေαြαααိα့္αα္ ။ αα္αα္αိα္းျαားျαα္း ၏ ေႏွာα္αΎαိဳးαα္ α‘αြα္ေαးαံαျαα့္ α‘αူαူαα္းα ၏ ။
αွα္ ။