“The Jungle Book” tells the adventurous life of the little human boy Mowgli. As a baby he almost fell pray to the evil, man eating tiger Shere Khan, who took him deep into the Indian jungle. After managing to save his life, Mowgli got adopted and raised by a pack of wolves. Together with his best friends – the sleepy bear Baloo and the black panther Bagheraa, he explores the jungle and learns the ways of the Mother Nature. The vicious Shere Khan however hasn’t forgotten him, and he seeks for the right moment to hunt the boy down. Therefor Mowgli runs away back to his own kind at a small village, where he starts learning the human language and manners. Despite he is surrounded by people, he is isn’t safe from the vengeful tiger, and Mowgli will have to face his greatest fear once and for all.
Click here to download “The Jungle Book” by Rudy Kipling