The story of “The Great Gatsby” is told through the eyes of the young Nick Carraway, who indirectly gets involved in the events of the book. He is a recent Yale graduate, who is renting a house on the fictional island of West Egg, while headed to New York. There he ends up living next door to the eccentric millionaire Jay Gatsby.
Despite that Mr. Gatsby throws a glamorous party every single Sunday, where all rich, fashionable and famous people go, there are only rumors and assumptions about his persona and how he made his fortune. At one of his parties however, Nick is fortuned to meet him personally, only to find out that he isn’t really enjoying a happy life of constant celebrations as it seems.
Nick finds out that Gatsby mourns about a long lost love with a girl named Daisy, that is now married to Tom Buchanan. Later on in the book Gatsby asks Nick to help him meet her again, and so he does. Being around his beloved Daisy, Gatsby slowly realizes that he has built up a life around the rotten values of money and power. She seems to be his only salvation, but could she be the end of him?